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Dear heroes,

This is a short, and slightly unplanned, post. I hope you will forgive me this abuse of your email inboces.

When I finally released Longwinter in December of 2020, I included a mention of the band Iced Earth in the musical appendix. I had forgotten that I had also included a quote from their lyrics in the referee book.

I was never a big fan of the band, but along with Blind Guardian (of which I am a big fan), it was one of the bands I listened to in the mid 90s when I discovered heavy metal. I listened to them again in and around 2010 when I stopped pretending I would grow out of heavy metal and accepted that tastes don't define a person. Where they a major influence on Longwinter? I wouldn't say so. I would admit to including them out of a sense of completionism and thematic resonance.

On January 6th of this year, the singer of that band was one of the insurrectionists storming the US capitol in that day's pro-Trump coup attempt. I never have, nor will ever have, anything but disgust and condemnation for right-wing fascistoid assholes.

I removed the references from the music appendix, but missed the quote in the book itself. Hence why I had to update the Referee's Book twice on itch and dtrpg, and now here. Let that be a lesson: Ctrl+F exists for a reason.


As a bonus, both books have also passed a once-over at the eyes of your fellow hero-typohunters, which has caught several gremlins left over in the process. 

Finally, I've added new hi-resolution wallpaper for your delectation.


Finally, it's not the perfect time to mention it, but still: wow, 599 folks here! Welcome! Wonderful! If someone had told me we could achieve something like that back when I started with patreon, well. I'd have hardly believed them.

Thank you for your heroic support.

And thank you for understanding the Frozen Soil debacle.

(Pocketdemon, special edition)




I really appreciate how you've handled the Iced Earth situation. It may seem like a minor issue to some people, but no lie: I was recently going through one of the older White Wolf games (either Vampire or Werewolf 1E) and I was reminded that a quote in there was how I'd first discovered Pantera in the '90s, and in retrospect maybe it's not a huge deal but it makes the gamebook *worse*. Also: 67 more!


I don't even play RPGs anymore but I been signed up to you because I just love the art and how you be pushing the boundaries of the fantasy/sci-fi genres (and how it lends to group story telling!) On a whim (and avoiding work) went through both of these, so good! LOVE the Faction Tracks and how they work to elegantly combine of Sandbox explorer and Larger story of never-ending winter (risking constant GOT quoting in play?). Wanted to ask, in terms of the civilisation building, history, classes, faiths and all that -- did you study post-colonialism or something like that? Also appreciate the social consciousness. I don't usually say it because that sort of stuff should be a given and too much praise can make it weird, you know? But it's severely lacking in the world of fantasy and sci-fi.


First, I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it. It was fun writing it, and I do try to add at least ... a significant nod to the folks reading rpg books, not just playing them (I think that's quite a big proportion, to be honest). As for studies, well, I'd been interested in history and civilizations since I was little. At university I studied international relations with a side of religious and cultural studies, and did my thesis on the religious violence (or lack thereof) in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. I then did my readings for an MSc in anthropology, but after a falling out with the thesis commission and a thesis advisor I wasn't fond of ... I dropped out after a couple of years of trying to reconcile finishing a thesis that would net me 0 income while putting up with working for a person I couldn't stand. So, that's the studies side. Though I suspect it was personal readings and experiences aside from that, which had as much impact ... if not more. Probably more.