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Hey every hero out there!

So, the self-standing module on players acquiring a flying head fortress is nearly ready. It's a bit longer than I planned because ... of course. Sure. Why not.

I'm making a split-level diagram of the head. And then I want to add a few mechanics and complications for running a game where the players have a massive floating head of destruction. It ... changes some things. Primarily, it makes adventure come to the heroes in a big way, because  the more you use a head with a siege laser mounted on it, the more villains (kings, politicians, generals, dragons) will covet it. Should be fun.

It includes:

  • A devastated village full of clues and tragedy to set the mood
  • Tracks and signs of the devastating head and its raiders
  • Different approaches once the head is sighted
  • Encounters on the approach
  • A whole encampment of savage raiders powerful enough to wipe out the players if they take it head on (your first TPK right there)
  • The head in peaceful action
  • The head in combat (explicitly far too powerful to take on directly, but ... I get graphic with how destructive it is, so that's fun).
  • The crew of the head. The cowardly wizard! The beautiful assistant! The malfunctioning combat golem!
  • Two stupid utility spells
  • The head as dungeon, including dissected view
  • How the heroes can operate the head
  • How the head changes a campaign, and suggestions for accommodating it.
  • Problems the heroes face now that they have got ahead.

Which, frankly, is taking me more than 16 pages ... <_< Kind of ridiculous for such a one-trick.

And now. Screenshots. It starts out like this (lo-fi layout for now, so bear with me):

Later on gives you overpowered mechanimagical guns for your games:

And references some characters you might have seen somewhere in the form of a malfunctioning death golem.

and the malfunctions.

I should have it ready early next week ... so now is the perfect time to invite your friends to join the stratometaship, before the glorious solo-module drops. I'll also do an art poll for the module, once it's ready to share.

Now to see if I can still manage some kind of layout that keeps the page count below 32 ...


Please. Do mock me. I was planning for 16.

Other News

Next week I also have to revamp the tiers. I'll be posting some polls on that and asking for feedback, but we can get it started right here.

I'm way behind on the custom art for the $9 tiers and ... it's really quite stressful. I'm thinking of changing that tier, so that metaheroes get to choose illustrations and/or characters that go into my books - and then also get licenses to use those illustrations. That way they become a more coherent part of my creative process. Should work. Probably. Erm.

Well, more next week!

--- / ---

Cheers and happy weekend everyone!


P.S. - this is a good time to share this patreon! :)



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