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Heroes! News approaches.

First, a welcome to everybody who's just joined. Now a brief round up of what's I'm up to.

  • This week we should have final final say on the UVG, so the last thing to do is assemble the Cat's (DM's) screen, and then we're done. I'm done. I've got freedom. At last. Phew! It's been a long one.
  • Longwinter is going to be completed come next month ...
  • Along with a delayed haunted house adventure. It's fine, it's fine.

Because I've written a Seacat Hero Booklet!

After long months of (mostly) just drawing and coloring and editing, I really wanted to write again, and it turns out that before even Longwinter and Winterwhite's trials and tribulations, what I really wanted to write was the first of the Seacat skins: Skeleton Tourist Weapon. It presents:

  • the 3 core "skeletons" of Seacat (in addition to the basic adventurer in UVG) - the wizard, thief, and fighter. Including their key aspects: memories, gang, and gear.
  • the first 3 skins: the skeleton (resurrected from the grave, you walk again, perhaps to clothe yourself in flesh again), the tourist (perhaps this is all a dream, but it all seems so real, with your daimon guide and possible luggage mimic), and the weapon (a magic (cursed) weapon with a captive bearer and a destiny greater than any other player could know).
  • 12 detailed basic skills: because the UVG list was really a bit basic.
  • 40 different pets and pet mechanics. I really ran out of space for this in the UVG.
  • Some other stuff.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

I know the first skins are kind of weird, but ... the simple fact is I wanted to have fun writing heroes I'd have fun playing. They're not base classes or anything like that, they're more like ... ability and skill and rule-mod packages you can pick to have a different game experience.

The tourist in particular should work well for Longwinter too.

The weapon really leans into ... you playing something like the black blade or the one ring

And the skeleton, well ... you're a revenant or possibly a death knight, or even the grim reaper. It's pretty fun.

Why are you posting this pre-update, Luka? Just teasing us?

No, no. Some folks are here for the really art heavy stuff or adventures. I'll be at least a couple more days before I post this, so if that's your jam, you can suspend your patronage for a bit ...

Ok, well, yes, also teasing. I think it's super cool and fun. I really enjoyed writing this, and I'm happy to say seacat's really ... flexible and open to editing in this way.

In other news on the webs

Skerples made a GM-facing map of the UVG and also a very extensive GLOG hack of the UVG, which are super cool and worth a look.

Okay ...

That's all for now folks. A belated welcome to all the new humans and many happy and fond wishes for the upcoming Pumpkin Festival and All Saints' Day.




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