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Well, well, well.

Not only are all the UVG book covers done ... just have to finish the DM screen art, and then every single last piece of UVG art is complete.

Literally, down to one last piece of art.

Horn toot.

Also Writing News

I've also got mildly exciting news on the Longwinter front. I'm back to writing and the end is in sight!

It's been a bit of a harrowing week, between a nasty head cold and all, but I eventually made the decision to pull the plug on my Korean course. Between that, homework, art, UVG, and all, my ability to write—my ability to create worlds and stories and adventures that you enjoy and that, at the end of the day, pay my rent—was significantly compromised.

It's also been harrowing because I felt quite guilty at quitting, though a fairer reading would be that I was prioritizing.

The brain's a funny old thing, isn't it?

Anyway—it began annoying but ended good, this week, with writing back on track. So: yay.

Ok, ok, wallpapers?

Yes, yes. See attachments. It's the UVG limited edition cover, formatted for a couple of different formats. Phone, widescreen, and two wide screens stuck side-by-side with duct tape.


Also, here's a UVG cat to say ta-daah!

