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Good Moon Day, heroes.

It's a long weekend here in Korea because of Children's Day, but at the studio work continues on grinding out the layout. I'd be lying if I said it was easy or fun—it's meticulous, slow work. Still, it proceeds.

I'm also adding a bit of content here and there (#needsmore), which is going to annoy the editors no end once they get it. It's not major things, but I have noticed that a lot of locations would benefit from an extra carousing table, or a few more encounters, a bar for heroes to frequent, or even just an NPC or two.

I try to break up that kind of focused brain-juice work with some relaxing drawing. Partly for Neo-classical Geek Revival—my ongoing, embarrassing debt—and here and there some things for the up-coming Longwinter chapter (see above).

I've also had the pleasure this weekend of running a couple of playtests on a small, still untitled "later work" after Longwinter, set in the same kind of world. It's a 1–2 session where the players represent a company (or private investigators) sent to figure out why production has stalled at their premiere factory. From there the game spirals quickly into what the playtesters said was a very "CoC" vibe. I was really pleased with the outcomes—especially considering this was an idea I had while walking to the office last Monday. It's always pleasant to know an adventure idea works. Now, of course, the challenge is finding the time to put it into action.

For future projects, I will really have to find a designer to work with on layout!

Last of the Preorders

Ok, now to the news. Exalted Funeral is going to close the preorders store on UVG swag (https://the-ultraviolet-grasslands.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders ) on Wednesday. If you have any friends who want to get the books at kickstarter prices, let them know ... soon. Any extra books we'll have after that will probably retail at $45 (or $45.67, who knows).

There's also been good news on the dice front: there's been so much demand that Q-workshop has come through on the extra colors meaning our budgeting was ok. Phew! That was a bit nerve-wracking at times.

Thank you all so much for your support. To all those who've decided to forego the rebate (and others), I'm trying to figure out a little freebie for the heroes to express my gratitude. I might take the Tower of Down, write it up, and release it to heroes as a free mini module (and on itch.io and other places as a paid module).

If you're interested in the backer rebate but missed it, the instructions are here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kickstarter-swag-26463405

First of the New Brezim Art

So, yeah, the header picture isn't actually Brezim - it's my slightly-fantasy rendition of a mountain named Krn, near my hometown. Here's the old Architect ruin from the summit of the Branberg at the Southern edge of the valley as an indian summer* winds down.

*Not capitalized on purpose.

I've also attached a full, high resolution desktop wallpaper version for your delectation.

Also, I want to thank everyone who's offered to help out with typo hunting and proof reading—you're the best. If anyone else wants to help, I'm going to set up a shared spreadsheet to take notes with page and paragraph, so I can hunt them down easily!






FYI: the link to the pre-orders page includes that closing parenthesis, which means clicking gets one a 404.