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I know! I said I'd have the update ready ... well ... Tuesday! But I didn't. Turns out I can't multi-task, and family was a priority this week. I plead for understanding.

That said, I did keep plugging away at things. Including a limited signed edition of the UVG for the kickstarter. It's bonus pledge level of a hundred or so books with jet black covers and custom bookplates, each with a unique number, each with a signature and Pointyhelmet doodle by yours truly. And, of course, the dice and screen and other stuff. This is a tier just for collectors. The paper will be the same weight and the drawings the same quality. Of course, if you do want it ... well, great! I'm announcing it here first, so you'll hear it before other folks.


Meanwhile, for your patience ... a little something.

The Park of Hazy Recollection, area 8 of the Red Sky Dead City book. This is a drawing before I clean up the lines, adjust the contrast, and so forth. And yes, it is inspired by gardens. So it goes. It's a garden with ghouls.

And the ghoul generator for when you need to quickly make a unique ghoul. Though I do think I might need to add another table for ... ghouls modifying themselves. After all, a ghoul is the embodiment of the dictum, "you are what you eat."

Thank you for your patience! Red Sky Chapter 4 is reeeeally close now! I can feel it!






I waffled a little bit, and it was almost gone. With 13 left I'd figure that was an auspicious time to upgrade my pledge :) Here's hoping we hit 70k for that full color version :)