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After many months of preparation with Exalted Funeral Press, the UVG kickstarter finally went live about seven hours ago. And then it exploded and before I knew it I was running around answering questions. Well, here it is, very nearly funded already!


Thank you to all of you heroes who have made the stratometaship possible! You have all been more than excellent, indeed, the best.

I'm honestly at a loss for words at this point ... it's ... uh.

Thank you.

Later Launch and Vacation

Our initial goal was to launch the kickstarter on the 17th of January with a delivery date in early August. We began editing and preparation for layout on that date and the initial content editing pass is on 75% complete, on track to be finished in two weeks.

Exalted Funeral and I decided to delay the launch because we wanted to ensure that everything went well with the Witchburner limited edition — as I mentioned in a few places, it was a test-run of the printer and the partnership. Considering that we did the printing over the Christmas and New Year holidays, it went very well (phew!). Once the books were delivered, packed, and shipped, we felt ready to pull the kickstarter trigger.

At that point we learned that the kickstarter review process can take as long as a week, which is why we sotto voce announced it for Thursday. Fortune gave us Tuesday night / Wednesday morning (and thus, my delay with this post!).

However, this has moved the launch into my vacation. I will be off the grid for two weeks, from this Friday, and during that time Exalted Funeral will field questions about the kickstarter. In terms of fulfillment, shipping, distribution - Exalted is the head of this kickstarter anyway! Any specific questions about the content may have to wait, but be certain, I will get to them!

Thank you for understanding.

UVG Kickstarter Bonus for the Heroes

Now the good stuff.

I've mentioned a bit of a bonus before, talked with a few folks, and had a discussion over on the discord. One thing I've wanted all along is to show some kind of thanks to everybody who has supported the stratometaship and my work over the months and years. This proved hard to do with kickstarter's built-in systems, however in discussion with Exalted Funeral we found a solution.

Note: the following only applies to people who were already backers before I made this post, for obvious reasons.

There are three bonuses for existing Stratometaship subscribers.

  • First, every minihero, hero, and metahero will get a $5 shipping discount, so effectively a 10% discount on the printed book.
  • Second, every active minihero, hero, and metahero who has supported the patreon for a total of $15, will get the digital .pdf edition of the final UVG for free, whether or not they contribute to the kickstarter (though if you support at the $1 level you will get the updates, so that's something).
  • Finally, active metaheroes (the $9 tier) will, as part of their book collector perk, get the digital .pdf edition in any case.

Stratometaship Discord Changes

Slightly unrelated. As the patreon is growing, I am nervous about my ability to moderate the Stratometaship discord effectively going forward. Not least because we have just launched the kickstarter and I'll be on vacation for that period.

I am going to suspend automated access to the Stratometaship discord server for new miniheroes and double miniheroes until I return, and nominate a couple of interim moderators for that period.

Again, I appreciate your understanding.

A Final Thank You

At last, again, thank you heroes. You have made it possible for me to write and draw, and now you are helping me fulfill one of my childhood dreams: to create a real-life illustrated book of my own!

A thousand gratitudes and may the Cat Lords ever be favorable to you!





kenny wong

Do you draw straight to computer or on paper (scanning+cleaning up later )?


I mostly draw on paper with pens and ink, then photograph, clean up, and paint digitally. Sometimes I also paint on paper, especially watercolor, but it's much harder to capture that and transfer it to digital.