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Good morning and good Saturday everyone.

This morning I got an unexpected birthday present: 300 heroes now frequent the stratometaship. Three Hundred. Three. Hundred.

If we discount the allies and the slaves and the followers, that's a heroic stand at Thermonuclearpylae right there.

Thank you, everyone, most deeply.

Please, give yourself a hand. You are truly amazing.

And News

As is of course tradition, I over-estimated how quickly I would get the next chapter out. Surprisingly, doing the art and the maps takes a long time. Who'd have thought. Still, I've finished writing two more neighborhoods, written a pretty solid list of 30 random events to spice up the town, added three curses/disease, added a spell, for some obscure reason wrote a pretty long section on Iksan naming customs, added the glass people and a story about the Virgin Medusa, and satisfied my completionist impulse by getting the equipment list to 100. So ... put in a bit more art and it's good to launch. Monday, totally (because today actually is kind of ... a personal holiday here on my end).

But there is another piece of even bigger news: the UVG is in editing. Fiona and Jarrett, the duo who handled Witchburner and Mothership (you've probably heard of _that_ sci fi rpg) are the team on the job. Once the first chapters are done, I'll start laying them out.

And Again

Wow. Thank you all.

Let's make more art and stories and worlds!
