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Dear heroes,

Last week was a thrill. First of all, a great thank you to everyone who decided to pre-order Witchburner. Second, what in blazes happened?

By Friday I was utterly astounded.

So, context. With Exalted Funeral we decided to ... ahem ... test-run our partnership and our printer with a small, limited print run of 250 copies of Witchburner. I drew about twenty more pictures, to flesh it out a bit more, and added a couple of worksheets to it. The idea was, "let's entice folks to go for it!" I was a little nervous about 250 copies, I just imagined the poor things, neatly packed in boxes, slowly drying out in a garage as they waited for someone to buy them.

Seriously, I thought to myself, "this'll sell in four months if things go well."

The first print run of any book of mine I ever published ended up selling completely in 3.5 days during preorders without any marketing spend.

That is ridiculous. That's the kind of thing that I only dreamt of in my former work as a marketer and advertiser. I mean, that looks ridiculously good on a blurb or a bio.

So, yeah, wow. Thanks everyone!

The books should start shipping soon, and as soon as they do, I'll also release the extended .pdf to all metaheroes.

Couple questions came up a lot.

1. Will There Be European Distribution in Future?

Yes. There will. Agreement isn't 100% solid yet, but it'll be signed soon.

2. Will There Be A Reprint?

Ye-es. But not just yet. Remember, this was a test-run for partnership and printer? Well, let's give it a few more days, but if all the stars align I'm going to announce another book first. One a lot of you have been waiting on much longer.

Just ... hang in there a bit longer.

Red Sky Chapter 3 Inbound

Finally, regularly scheduled news outside of books, partnerships, dramas, and social media!

Red Sky Dead City Chapter 3 is incoming fast. Most of the art is done, and a fair chunk of the writing. If all goes well it should be complete in a couple of days. This chapter has:

  • 2 more neighborhoods: Guild Tombs and Orchid Barracks
  • Taking the equipment table up to 100 (finally!)
  • Adding a bunch of background events to simulate the aftermath of the conquest
  • Adding river encounters for coming to-and-from the Dead City across the River of Life
  • And, as classic, growing the glossaries of spells and such. Oh, also adjusting the spells a bit to play more nicely with Skeleton.

I'll also do a vote for the next few neighborhoods soon.

Thinking Further Ahead: Longwinter

But, thinking ahead - I want to complete Longwinter before winter ends. So after Chapter 3 of Red Sky, I'd like to push forward to complete Longwinter in one or two updates.

That being so, I've been thinking of making a more google-able name for Longwinter. Something that sticks in the memory and the search bar better. Does anyone have a good suggestion? If someone comes up with a name that wins consensus (I'll do a poll for the best names based on hearts and suggestions in a later post for patrons), I'll do a special character or place just for them to inhabit Longwinter.

Thank you again, and salutations everyone!




InDesign using data merge could do it...heck I could print randomized title pages from my color laser. But very few print shops will make entire custom serialized books...if you find one let me know. I’ve had this custom title idea for awhile now. (although there are now unique games now like Discover: Lands Unknown and Keyforge ). An DIY way is print the books (printing company) with no words on the cover, all the same book. Then a custom title page can be inserted as a loose color sheet or sticker (print at home, InDesign data merge). Another way is ask a developer to make a script for a PDF data merge...that spits out dozens of unique PDFs. And then talk with Lulu or another print on demand to print each of your files as separate books.


All of those sound more time-consuming than printing a run of books with blank covers and MANUALLY adding titles. ^_^ Stencils, sharpies, what have you. It's the print shop challenge that kills it.


I'm late to this, but what about something like "Bones of Snow." It's a riff on snow bones - a term for the long piles of snow left in ruts, shadows, furrows, etc. after most of the snow melts. Google didn't show me any other titles for it. "Winter's Bone" and "Snow Bones" are existing novels.