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Dear Heroes,

First, happy solstice!

Second, the second 'chapter' is complete. I've adjusted the tone of the book somewhat - the book demanded it as it grew longer. But, more than just expanding it, I've also reformatted how I present it quite significantly.

Particularly, I've marked each of the spreads depending on who the target audience is: just referees, or referees and players.

The sections for referees and players have grown much larger, with a relatively comprehensive equipment list. Most of them are straight up setup for random rolls, too.

The dead city neighborhoods are also reformatted, so there's now a player-facing spread (with art and rumors and known locations), and a referee-facing spread (with the diagrams and encounters and treasures). I think this worked pretty well.

The referee section on how to run the dead city has also grown, gaining the full encounter tables (a terrifying spread of 120 encounters and 60 locations). I've also added a monster stat translator for my monster notations (L0, paltry) and, for some odd reason, a dead city arthropod generator.

Finally, you'll notice that some of the stats and notations I mention have started changing. That's a result of Skeleton, the ruleset that's now explicitly behind Red Sky Dead City. Don't worry, it's not that different—it's still six stats, the numbers still play pretty closely to low-level 5E and OSR ranges. But there are a few changes.

For one thing, the stats acronym is now pronounceable: SEACAT. I'll write more about that another time, suffice to say Strength remains Strength, Endurance is Con, Agility is Dex, Charisma is Charisma, Aura replaces Wisdom (because I think no adventurer going into the underhell is actually wise), and Thinking replaces Intelligence to spell SEACAT instead of SEACAI. Now you know.

Once again, thank you all for your support and encouragement.

You, the heroes, are making these games possible.

I and the innocent Dogheads of Ebét salute you.

Luka, Seoul, Friday, 21 Dec 2018


EDIT, Sun 23 Dec 2018: I've uploaded Ch 2.1 - adding the artwork for page 36. I'll be honest: after a couple weeks of layout hell, the thought of _pausing_ on Friday to finish one more drawing just hurt too much. There, by being a hero you see the inner workings of how the sausage gets made and how the author struggles with making "just one more picture."

EDIT, Mon 24 Dec 2018: Ch 2.1b - fixes a couple of old references to Red Sands Blue Sky. Fixed now.




I have been going through this again and again and I absolutely am loving everything..everything about it. Cannot wait for more!


Quick update - I know some folks wondered about the empty squares in parts of the layout. Doing full-page color pieces is time consuming and exhausting, and after adding 3 to this update (the crossing of the river, the lagoon, and the warehouses), I was too tired on Friday to even contemplate adding the 3rd and 4th - so I just uploaded the chapter with empty spaces for them. Today, once I'd rested, I finished the time-frozen tombs' piece, added it and uploaded it.