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Dear Heroes,

Last month was a bit of a long wait, wasn't it? Longwinter took longer than I'd planned, and I'll try to avoid that for the next update. So, what have I got planned for this month?

1. Red Sky Dead City - I'm working on the next part of the great dead city dissection game. Chapter 2 will add

  • day and night time encounter tables for the dead city
  • crossing the river of life - tables for getting back and forth between the secure East Bank and the war-torn West Bank.
  • patron, commander, and quest tables - essentially a generator for making forays into the ruins
  • an hour-by-hour game tracker for the referee, to manage the exploration better
  • a slightly cleaned-up city map, expanded to 30 quarters (so d30 rolls work for the quests) and re-numbered so it's easier to read (that's a use for playtests!)

I will also add two more quarters. I'll put those to a vote later this week, but right now I'm thinking of two of the following:

  • Pillars of the Everliving Heroes
  • Ducal Tombs of the Lions of the Poison Sea
  • Squat Antediluvian Tombs
  • Ossuary Canyons of the Ziggurats of the Red Plume Soldiers
  • or Gilt Domes of the Eunuch Princes

2. Longwinter - part 2. I'll work on this after Red Sky, in time for the solstice. Part 2 will also head to a vote - whether I do the sandbox-survival adventure first, or complete the player-facing stories. But we'll vote on that bridge when we get to it next week.

Yes, I'm going to aim for two updates this month. I'll warn you before the second update drops, and even before the first one, I'll make a new prime hero tier or something like that, for everyone who wants to know precisely what their maximum support in any single month will be.

3. Ultraviolet Grasslands - I've nearly got the printing and distribution set up, so the next step will be getting the kickstarter ready. However, I do also plan to put up the manuscript .pdf edition for sale (with a modified cover) at $11 per. Every purchaser will get a discount on the final, laid out edition. This way, if you have friends who'd like to see what UVG is, you can point them to the actual .pdf on drivethru. Yay!

4. Skeleton WTF - finally, together with both Longwinter and Red Sky, I've been working on my game system, because I want all the different abilities and items tying in together. Well, the news is good. I should have the free edition ready for release on DTRPG and elsewhere in about two weeks. Seven bullet points:

  • psychedelic metal roleplaying, compatible with UVG, Red Sky, Witchburner, and Longwinter
  • three types of heroes: wizard, thief, fighter
  • first attempts at simple language, less game jargon
  • roughly compatible with levels 1 to 6 of 5E
  • fast character generation with options for full-random-characters
  • backgrounds, abilities, spells, equipment
  • modular rules covering combat, travel, trading, and other stuff.

As Always

A profound thank you to all of you heroes who're supporting me as I draw and write. I'm moving into this line of work full-time and you're making possible for me to even contemplate that. Everytime you share my patreon, spread the word about my games, or send my illustrations to your gaming and non-gaming friends, you're helping.

As the cats of the Violet City say, "Meoye, blessings of the furrious ones on your milk-giving soul."



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