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Witchburner is complete.

Update, 2019.02.08: this post has been made public, the patreon editions of Witchburner have been removed from it. For visitors or new subscribers, it is available at https://wizardthieffighter.itch.io/witchburner-halloween-edition .

It is about four times longer than I normally plan for a patreon .pdf or update, but between being gripped by the stories of the townspeople and the desire to try some new layout tricks ... I couldn't help myself.

I will very much appreciate reviews, comments, and feedback of all kinds. If you want to share some screenshots, that's perfectly cool.

Inside you will find:

  • 64 pages, including covers.
  • A brief description of the town with an ill-labelled map. Feel free to scrawl on it.
  • A detailed breakdown of how to run the adventure.
  • Simple rules for watches, alcohol, love, fear, the mob, and, yes, torture (I mean, it's witchburner, after all), as well as bit of filler from the Malleus Maleficarum.
  • A breakdown on how I adapt OSR stats for play on the fly. This is also  applicable for the UVG.
  • Some random encounters.
  • Some "inexplicable witchcraft related phenoma"
  • A tracker for 30 citizens
  • A massive, watch-by-watch breakdown of a whole 30-day month (October, if you're asking. The 31st is not included).
  • An even more massive breakdown of 30 townspeople (NPCs), their houses, treasures, secret lore, and household, giving you about 100 different NPCs.
  • An appendix with some stuff
  • And a little art - including a portrait of every one of the 30 NPCs (but on a single page). You can let your players play match the NPC with those.


And this was supposed to be a short break from the UVG! Now I'm going to take another little rest, and then come back with a bit of further information later next week. As always - I'll be watching the comments.

Again, let me close with: thank you so much for your support. Without your support and encouragement, I would never have gone ahead and done this. Three cheers for you guys!


Edit: I removed the post-script after uploading an updated version, with the patron credits added and a final thank you map. The map is an 18th century original from the Wien archives and covers a part of the world that served as an inspiration for Witchburner. I haven't removed the previous version, because I'm a bit nervous about patreon's attachment handling capabilities.


Update, 2019.02.08: I have removed the Witchburner .pdf and made this post public, since we have moved on to other projects. If you are a new patreon subscriber, or would just like to purchase Witchburner, it is available on itch.io: https://wizardthieffighter.itch.io/witchburner-halloween-edition . If you were already a subscriber when I published Witchburner, please contact me if you are missing your copy. Thank you for your understanding!



Hi! This is so good! I found this and had to join your Patreon to get it! Do you have any plans to release similar content in the future?


Yes, totally. Right now I'm working on the first two chapters of Red Sand Blue Sky - which is a longer book about the pillaging and aftermath of a conquest. In between, I'm going to also publish some shorter pieces - maybe not quite as extensive as Witchburner though. If you check the last voting post, there's a list of ideas for where to go next. I'm also going to make them available to buy as individual books on drivethru, itch.io, and some other places.


Justin was kind enough to make a Spotify playlist out of the music in Witchburner: <a href="https://open.spotify.com/user/grizbeard/playlist/0oBsO9lmEtGLdMlRbBL7kP?si=haaPC13nRXqwmkKwu7Y77A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://open.spotify.com/user/grizbeard/playlist/0oBsO9lmEtGLdMlRbBL7kP?si=haaPC13nRXqwmkKwu7Y77A</a> - enjoy!