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Oleg bowed before the idol of Fourface as the tattoo was applied, marking him forever as a citizen of First Emperor’s Forum. With every stab of the ivory needle, he prayed with the priest and midwife to the Three Avatars to accept him as the avatar of his town.

Witchburner is nearly written, the layout is close to complete. It won't be quite as art heavy as I first planned, because it has more text. It's clocking in at around 18,000 words, which is a little shorter than Death Frost Doom. Then again, there's a lot less death and frost in Witchburner. I suspect you'll enjoy it.

Now the announcements.

Six days ago I held a poll about changing the tiers and rewards, since I couldn't keep up with producing custom art to satisfy the increased numbers of patrons. The changes are, approximately:

Minihero Tier

  • Loses voting rights, as we haven't really been doing that anyway.

Hero Tier

  • Keeps voting rights and I make votes more often.
  • Credits in final works funded at the hero tier.
  • I continue to dance every month.
  • Gains reduced rates: now and again I'll announce reduced commission rates.

Metahero Tier

  • Keeps voting rights.
  • Keeps book .pdf access.
  • Credits in final works funded at the metahero tier.
  • I add some singing to the dancing.
  • Art reward and custom expedition reward changed to "custom location, hero or landscape art once you've been a supporter for a year".
  • Gains reduced rates: now and again I'll announce reduced commission rates.

If these changes to the tiers make you uncomfortable with your chosen level of support, you can downgrade. I'll be a bit sad, but I understand.

Some European VAT Stuff

Those of you who are in the EU will probably see Patreon adding VAT rates to your pledges. They're doing this because they have to, if they want to operate in the EU. That's fine, but it does mean those, often 20%+, VAT rates are coming on top of your pledges. That extra money is not something I get: that's going to fund your countries' healthcare, social services, police forces, and so on.

There isn't much I can do about VAT—it's up to individual countries—but if many of you would like a different mid-range "VAT-dodger" tier, I would consider it.




Thanks for the update and the clarity on the changes coming. I'm an EU citizen and happy to pay the necessary VAT. I rather like socialized healthcare and social services.