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This mini-update is an excerpt from Three Sticks Lake - an over-detailed region of the central Ultraviolet Grasslands. A perfect location if you want to start with a party of Icemen (see glossary of next update).

Red Bear is a village honey-combed through a great amalgamated skyscraper, built through the centuries-long action of the village's domesticated builder badgers. It is surrounded by several fences of thornvine and thornstone, patrolled by spider fetishes. The builder badgers and spider fetishes are controlled by Madame Red Star, the First Servant of Red Bear, ensconced and kept alive in her Iron Belly full-body prosthetic. Little is left of her today but a neural network hooked into psych-machine augmentations, and a steely determination to not forsake the founding principles of the Long Ago Cold Lake Culture Collective. She no longer actually remembers what those founding principles were and is treated as something of a living deity by the inhabitants of Red Bear who keep her alive and fed with a steady diet of good news, of quotas met, and traitors stopped.

The clans of Red Bear devote great effort to keeping the Madame alive and the Iron Belly functioning. The most prestigious clans are those of Maintenance and Repair, Logistics Specialist, Supply Chain Manager, and True News Distribution. Elders transmit clan lore entirely through oral tradition as <redacted> proscribed written records during the Hair Woods War between Skybridge and Vicar’s Beach. It is unclear how long ago this was.
