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Where is the monthly UVG? What is going on? Has it died?

No, no. The UVG is fine. Most of the update is written, most of the art is ready, but I've had a month so packed with family, travel, jetlag, additional projects, and work that I was left with a stark choice: rush out a half-assed update or opt for (potentially) two updates in February.

I've chosen the second option, and I'm sure you'll understand.


Teasers for the update:

The Spirit Voyagers (Ultras - an exploration of the faction)

The crystal cilia wriggled a little as they crawled into his ears. Sparks of light dashed along them as they pierced the brain barrier, making contact with his cortex. The snakeman's eyes rolled, citrine orbs in jade-studded sockets. With a a few final flashes, the connectors flowed into his brain, attuning him to the world-spirit.

His eyes swam hazily, but his mind expanded and sharpened, as it suddenly looked at Demiwarlock through the eyes of every insect in the glade, and felt her through the crushed grass beneath her.

"Ah, these are the good whiskers," he said.

"Will you speak now of the voyager?"

"The voyager and her companion, yes. Tourists of ruined empires. They've been travelling for a long time, though time is different to the over-bodied."

"So she is an ultra?"

"You would say that. When they travel through on the spirit voyage they sometimes incarnate. A body for a secret, that is often their way."

Three Sticks (a slightly more detailed region - who knows, maybe you want to start out in the sticks, or spend more time exploring the weird stuff here?)

Three living villages (Jade Baobab, Iron Pike, and Red Bear) plus 15 sketched out ruins (Deepest Glass, Blue Gate, Grey Glow, Rusty Bridge, Obsidian Knives, Rose Towers, Garnet Ford, Boulder Ford, Copper Hulls, Razorwater, Skybridge, Vicar's Beach, Ferry Graves, Glass Bridge, and Three Sticks itself) and a bunch of wilderness areas also roughed out.

Also, you get to see both my second initial sketch, and a terrible photo of the map before scanning and (slight) coloring.

Near Moon (a "dungeon" drilled into a "moon" suspended by stuck force fields about a hundred feet above the plains.)

and, y'know, a couple more areas, a few NPC portraits, and things like that.


Now for something rather different.

One of the projects I've been pushing forward is the Compleat #30Wizards .pdf. Would y'all be interested in receiving it as an update before it goes on regular sale? You can let me know in comments or in messages.




Compleat Wizards? whats not to like, for sure!


it's one of those things that's hanging out on the backburner, mostly written and arted but still unfinished ;)

Gary S

The Compleat Wizards sounds like something I’d be interested in, even outside of the Patreon. Three Sticks and Near Moon sound great!