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Hello everyone! So, before anyone potentially freaks out, no I am not sidelining Healslut or taking a break or anything like that. Healslut is and will continue to be my primary focus until it is completed (and even after that since I have a ton of notes for additional content throughout the story). Even after taking up the part-time job I have still put 3-6 hours into Healslut per day (often more) and I promise that will continue.


"Erin's Naughty Friday" was a project started by a friend I made on the Interwebs who I helped on occasion because she helped me with playtesting and editing for Healslut. I did all the renders and graphics you see here over several months (outside of "Healslut hours" of course, usually during "insomnia hours" actually).

The game concept is basic ENF stuff: a young woman in community college finds herself stuck naked and endures some wacky adventures. It was planned to be lighthearted fun (much like FAP which was part of her inspiration here) and was going to include all sorts of zany stuff like frequent weird daydreams, shrinking down to doll-sized for part of the story, and even a UFO abduction.

Anyway, development slowed down and eventually she decided to abandon the project altogether. She has sent me her outline and ideas with a note that said I am welcome to take over the project with a few caveats:

  • She must be credited as a co-author
  • Nothing evil or nasty can happen to Erin
  • She strongly prefers that no sexual acts occur

I like the game and I would like to see it finished but again, my focus is Healslut. So my idea is to bring another developer in to take over production. I would basically just advise them and probably do the renders. We would hopefully get through the first "chapter" of the story before releasing the demo, which I would say is about halfway done.

But first, I want to get your opinions.

  • Would undertaking a mostly advisory role on this project make people think I am taking time away from Healslut? (That is not an impression I want to give!)
  • Would you personally be interested in a game like this?
  • If this does go forward, should I include the updates here or put this whole project somewhere separate?
  • Lastly, if ENF is something you are interested in, what sort of things would you like to see in this game?

Thanks for taking the time to read all that! Please let me know how you feel.


In real news, I'm pushing to have the new story-focused release for Healslut out by the start of next weekend. I'll have a post about what to expect and some teasers by this Sunday (hopefully!).

Thank you so much for your support in developing Healslut. I appreciate you!




I'm curious to see it, even with the "no sex" restriction. You could give updates here and I'm not worried it would distract you from HS.


I'm generally fine with the idea, but aren't the renders kind of a bottleneck for Healslut at the moment?


I would love to see this developed. Besides, it might be fun and good for you to focus on something OTHER than Healslut once in a while, even if it's just for a few minutes. We certainly don't want you burning out. My $0.02.


They were for a long time but the writing and coding are the bottlenecks now. I finally purchased an RTX 3080 TI card after saving up, thanks to amazing supporters like you! :)


I'm with k this would be an interesting project to see and seeing the updates here will make it easy for your fans to find, of course I would also understand moving it elsewhere with it being different from what you are known for just make sure you get us a link so those interested can find it. And truly do not forget to take breaks, getting burned out will definitely more of a hindrance than taking some R&R.

Eric Jones

No sex for this setup? What's next, a game set at sea where no one ever gets wet?


Hah! Yeah, I understand that. But I also think the co-author would be flexible on that preference as long as any acts were lighthearted, consensual, and avoidable (à la FAP).


Not for me personally if there is no sex content. If you are excited about working on it go for it though and posting it on this page would be no problem.


this looks like a fun game and at least I dont get the impression of sidelining, it could even get the creative juices going if you ever are stuck in HS story. Also I love ENF and something I always love is when they are kinda "forced"/not having other options than to use an embarassing costume and when people see them they end up thinking it was intentional. That and when they are stuck on display

Mr Impossible

I rather enjoy ENF, and am not actually that bothered about graphic sex scenes (they certainly don't hurt though). I'd like to see more games in the genre anyway, and I certainly don't mind you spending some of your time on another project. Could you define 'Nothing evil or nasty' though? That can be a bit subjective and could mean entirely different things to different people.

Terrell Hird

I dunno man, on one hand it doesn't seem like the kind of content I come here for especially with the whole ENF but no sex thing. On the other hand, if it's something you want to do, I'm not gonna say you shouldn't. My only real concern is what effect working on it will have on both HS and your health.


I like the general concept, but the lack of sex scenes would be a killer. I mean, what's the point in putting a pervy janitor in the game if there's no option to become his sex pet? I understand the other restrictions though, non-con is definitely a no-no on Patreon.


At a guess, I would say that any sort of assault or anything that resulted in injury. I would have to ask the co-author for more details than that. But if you've played Fanucci's Amazing Pizza, this game would be going for that same vibe.


Thanks! I appreciate you letting me know how you feel - and yes the "no sex acts" does seem to be a sticking point that I would have to work out with the co-author.


Thank you! Many other replies and messages have noted the oddness of a "no sex" restriction in a game like this. Appealing the "no sex acts" condition is something I will need to work out with the co-author.


Good points. And I really wouldn't want someone seeing an update and only to be disappointed it ENF instead of Healslut.


Thanks! I enjoy ENF too (just not the really icky stuff).


I appreciate your thoughtfulness! You're right, this isn't the sort of content that would be expected here so I'm thinking of keeping it entirely separate (beyond maybe a promo here every couple months).


Well that janitor is actually not really pervy - he's actually mostly a nice guy. The theme and mood of this game would be a lot different than you would expect in Healslut and that's another check in the "put it somewhere separate" column.


I'm completly alright with this idea! You said in another comment that it would kinda be like Fanucci's Amazing Pizza, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed that game. As for the no sex, again, I'm fine with it! Personally, I prefer dialogue of NSFW encounters, and because you have a very unique writing style in terms of other games I've played, I think it could be really fun! And hey, maybe Healslut actually refers to the game every now and then, or visa-versa? Similar to how we saw Fanucci characters in Healslut. I think that would be super cool! I have to say though, please don't treat this to be in the same scale as Healslut. You work very hard on Healslut, so having another project is a big deal, and it can be easy to slip into that mentality of progressing both at the same time in equal amounts. Take care of yourself first and foremost Davie :)


Yeah, and the fact that its gonna be like FAP is a great plus, I loved FAP, like the scenes when you accepted the Lady's jobs and ending with the geek girl


Well, they're probably the smallest category at F95 but I have played games like that, most enjoyably "Arcade Spirits" -- which didn't even have nudity! Naked Erin misadventures could be just the right amount of spice.

Skyler Pancake

The no sexual acts definitely kills a bit of the potential fun. I'd personally probably skip it, as I'm mostly after certain kinks. Still, there are people who would enjoy this. Helping with it is not a bad thing. Mentoring future developers is always good and if you can help someone get started, that's awesome. Mentioning big updates with it wouldn't be a bad thing here, same with anything else you might be involved with, but I'd keep general updates elsewhere.


Honestly? It looks like it could be quite fun. "It was planned to be lighthearted fun (much like FAP" Fanucci's Pizza is why I was a patron long before Healslut. It was one of the very few games, where choice, humor and -consent- was always part of the equation. And some of why I always loved that game sooo much. You could go down a path (like serving at that party) ,and still back out if you thought it to much. Things can be fun (and sexy as heck) without going to actual sex. If you feel this will be a fun worthwhile thing to do, that you -want- to do? Do go for it


Okay I'll try to adress all your points. First of all, yes I would think you'd spend time on it that would otherwise go towards Healslut. That's just a natural thing though, no malice. Time is limited and you can't do two things simultaneously. That being said, taking time to do something fresh might be a good thing for Healslut too so it's not necessarly a bad thing. Second, no I'm absolutely not interested. No sex and no nasty stuff pretty much immediately killed my interest. By extension of the above I'd naturally not be interested to see any kinds of updates for this project. It'd be practically just spam to me. Everytime I'd see a notification from you I'd be excited to see something new for Healslut just to then be disappointed to see an update for something that I don't care for. Last but not least ... I have absolutely no idea what ENF stands for so I can't answer that question lol


Ditto what Panzer said.


I don't mind you putting some work into something else. Heck, sometimes working on a secondary project can majorly improve the original thing. The ENF aspect seems like it could be fun, though as others have mentioned, I'm not sure it'll hold my interest without sex. I'd prefer updates on here, as it'll keep me from needing to look in another place, but I can understand why some people might want things separated. Guess the deciding factor would be if you want this to be a Patreon for your work in general, or just Healslut. I personally use Patreon to support a creator, not just a single project.


Teasing and nudity is enough for me if the story is interesting and lewd


There is ENF in healslut, even though Sparkle doesn't get much embarrassed now ^^


If you still don't know, it means "Embarrassed Nude Female".


Ah, appreciated! In that case, yeah ENF is a fun theme but not if that's all there is to it.

David D

This is really not good news. In fact I really hate it. Every time I really get into a game, something like this seems to come along. See, I don't really care about the sex, the perfection of the renders, or anything like that. I'm here for the story, and for once, just once, I'd like to find a story on Patreon that I actually get the end of. But then something like this comes along.


I understand your perspective and I apologize for giving you the impression that this will impact the progress and quality of Healslut in any way. I hope my track record of completing every story/game I have started barring one single exception (because it proved unpopular) can provide some comfort. Please rest assured that progress on Healslut will continue until either it is finished or I shuffle off this mortal coil.


Thanks, you've given me several things to think about. I appreciate it!


The renders are superb. I like the setting and it would be a nice contrast to the medieval setup of HS.

Sissy Maid Gwen

Would love to see more about this game, it look amazing :) You should feel free to use this page to show us more about this project, we can all understand that you can be working on different project without abandonning on for the others


Honestly I feel like I understand the disappointment in the project being “a waste” but it sounds like there’s even some baggage along with trying to continue it. And I feel like I wouldn’t be alone in thinking that explicitly avoiding outright sexual content seems like a waste of time considering what most people want out of these things. FAP was certainly proof that you can wrap your head around completing a fairly brief and contained narrative especially compared to the relative epic of HS. I feel like it could be good for you to at least have some creative output on something that isn’t just relentlessly picking away at this same project for years.

Joe Steel

I think that this is a good idea. Firstly, I think that changeups in routine and thinking are generally good, and any immediate cost in production is paid back later with higher productivity. "A change is as good as a rest." Secondly, I think that you could make this hilarious and still sexy without having sex; in fact, having events lead to the brink of sex and then something absurd and/or amusing intervenes to save the heroine for another day. That might be challenging to write, but that is good: exercising the brain muscle through forcing yourself to use a new perspective will pay off on all future endeavors. You can't be repetitive, though. The whole idea would be to have the readers expecting one thing but getting "something completely different" (Splat!)


Just letting you know that I replied to your patron message about this, Davie... 😉


Man, looks like I missed the initial rush to talk about this. I'll just say that I think you have the ability to work on both projects, but I have much less interest in ENF compared to HS. I would be fine hearing about completed release chapters here, but anything else should really have it's own page. Also, no sex? Tease is great, but I need the payoff at some point.