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He had one last bright moment, fleeting as the flare from a flashbulb: he smiled. It wasn’t relief or euphoria that curved his lips, no... it was a grin, wickedly bent. He’d won. He’d won again. His immoral motivation once more unhindered, he dared smirk: this demon in a pressed suit.

“Get lost, pal. I ain’t finished with the girl.”

The clack of the hammer, like the click of a camera shutter, followed by sizzle and smoke. Another damned soul heralded to hell by a crash of man-made thunder. Another bloody picture for the memories box.

“You-- you told him you don’t kill people...”

The only business in this town is bad business, but everyone still has to play by the rules. There’s order in this chaos. Laws for the lawless and guidelines for the guilty. Like the taste of an empty fork: real irony.

When you love, you get love. When you hate, you get hate. When you hurt, you get hurt.

The order in the chaos. These are the laws even animals can be made to understand.

“No kill people. Only kill monsters.”



David D

This is great. Noir is my favorite writing style.


"No kill people. Only kill monsters" is such a great line.