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Just an interest-check poll to see which universe/timeline Sparkle everyone enjoys playing most. Feel free to comment on why or what you'd like to see for your Sparkle as well!



My main one is the Girl backup, though i have also all the girls and futas, I didn't go for traps tho

TD13 studio

I prefer futas but play as a girl classic with a hope to get Sparkle pregnant)


Girl classic for me, that's the way Sparkle started and who i keep playing the game for. Especially the first time she wears the loot puppy outfit :)


Girl Backup, because I like the conversation with Panki about Gods, and I really like being be as open as possible with the group about who/what I am to prove I am 100% trusting of the group.


After finding out about the milkslut route, Girl Milkslut, with the hope that Roopah take advantage of our/Sparkle's production again.


I don't understand what you mean by backup


In Act 13 there is a choice to blame Roopah for Captain Fisch's disappearance and that route will result in Sparkle either being "milked" or "temporarily" killed, which in turn results in either the milkslut body or the backup body. The walkthrough ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vYnQu8Gw4zAmYFbq5UXYNDfha_hGS8fk4I9bcKDqCwM/edit?usp=sharing ) outlines this in Act 13 in the "Investigation Complete" section. In addition, you can go to the Options menu in-game and select from the three different body variations manually if you wish.


Trap/Boi Sparkle to me is the cutest/most unique


Backup Shparkle of course.


I appreciate Sparkle classic, but I'm definitely a fan of "milk sluts" and ladies...