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EDIT: Links updated with fix for the bug with the Tavernkeep!

EDIT2: Links updated with fix for the bug with both Harmony & Roar showing up at the Goblin camp. 

Welp, here it is! Please let me know if you experience any bugs or inconsistencies. A lot of "reworking" was done on this one so there may be new issues that I didn't catch with testing. Thank you again to everyone for continuing to make development possible!

Patch Notes:

  • More of a voyeur than a roleplayer? Check the options menu to change the narrative from second person to third person! Now "Sparkle" is doing all this naughty stuff instead of "you"!
  • Want to try the different body variations? Check the options menu again to change to another variation at any time! (This does not work properly before the variations are available within the story and may cause bugs!)
  • Meet Fwawr Argarg, a fellow human! Requires choosing not to hard-reset and file a report at the start of the game. This is a one-off encounter for now but more is planned for Fwawr in coming updates.
  • Can now offer the Tavernkeep some "relief" in exchange for the linens for Lel (requires prior naughtiness of the same type with Rudedood). This, of course, does not help Sparkle circumvent the mushroom quest. HahahaHAA!
  • ------------------------------------------
  • Continue to the Goblin camp (if on the "miners" route from Port Town), meet a buff bushy barbarian lass, and solve the mystery of the two brothers and one changling!
  • ---OR---
  • Allow the town to enjoy using you for their various pleasures! Bone-chicka-bone-wow.
  • ---OR---
  • Clean some outhouses if you like! Gross weirdo.
  • ------------------------------------------
  • A long-time-coming confrontation with Kayden (if NOT on "miners" route (for now)).
  • Character creation screen updated with some *GASP* actual animation.
  • Panki's "accent" has been reined in a bit for readability.
  • Getting 'slimed' in the mushroom quest now has consequences (still in work!).
  • "Skip Ahead" function when starting a new game has updated to the start of Act 17.




Android, Newer:

Android, Older:

Android, Simulator/Chromebook:


The game contains 26,945 dialogue blocks, containing 254,138 words and 1,382,321 characters, for an average of 9.4 words and 51 characters per block. The game contains 436 menus (choices?!)




Hello, I just joined and I have to say that I love your work, there's truly no dull moment in this game and I love every part of it. I have like 10 different saves to try to explore everything, it's just so good. I do have the question. Is there a way to be in a relationship with both Panky and Roopah? I want the best of both worlds :P


Not a "relationship" with both at the same time but there will be a ways that Sparkle can be with both of them for sexytimes stuff. That is slated for a future update (it's already set up by visiting Panki the night after being with Roopah).


Oh wow I did not expect a response so quicly. You are the best, I evven upped my sub :D. And duly noted I'll be on my tip toes for it

Eric Jones

Sparkle's "awkwardness" just makes her sound as dumb as a rock


Depends on your perception of the character, I think. "I write it in my voice but you read it in yours." What I'm trying to say is that you and I can look at a character's speech and actions and come up with entirely different opinions of that character based on our own worldviews. Your perception of Sparkle is no less valid than anyone else's and I do understand your point of view. :)

Eric Jones

How many times is she going to say something about other people not acting nice before she realizes that not everyone is nice?


Simon/Simone lives by a set of self-created rules to avoid social awkwardness because he/she doesn't comprehend social cues or implications. The irony is that these imperfect guidelines (don't borrow/use anything without explicitly asking the owner, for example) often make Simon/Simone act rude while at the same time judging others as "not nice." To answer your question, it's going to take time for Sparkle to understand that these guidelines are ineffective and often detrimental to personal interactions. I've tried to make it clear in more recent scenes that Sparkle is beginning to discard the rules in favor of trying to understand people as individuals instead.