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9 renders per outfit per expression. That's how much I love you gals and guys. And there are 4 collar outfits! I am blowing up my video card for you, my sensational sexboos. And before you think you'd rather my video card blow you please know that it gets really hot. Like... sun hot. Your wiener would be overcooked in a micronanosecond. As Leonando de Vaashti said: "Being a robosexual has its downsides or whatever."




That’s a lot of work! I hate to sound ungrateful, but...are you still on track for 0.5 to be released this weekend?


Sounds like you need to borrow a bitcoin mining rig.


Also, I can guess what shaved head Sparkle is. But I have no idea who red/purple/pink-cropped Sparkle is. How many paths in this game have I just never seen?


Without spoiling too much, both of these depend on choices down the same 'blame Roopah' path.


I hate to sound too vanilla but I only like regular Sparkle's body >.> It seems like in the other female versions (except the Futa one) her boobs are too big, kind of like Ooyum's. To me they look more like udders and less like breasts. The different hair options are interesting though.

Dahlia Rose Israel

How do we get the short sparkle with the curly orange hair? I need to play as her.


The boobles are bigger but here they are also being somewhat squished up and out by the pose. The collars come with their own hairstyles as well but I know not everyone digs that route. Fret not, though! There will be some customization options in the future as now I have a better understanding of conditionals and layering.


That's one of the options down the "blame Roopah" path during the murder investigation aboard the ship. Getting that Sparkle does require a couple deaths, though...


I want the big titties from #2 or #8 on normal Sparkle(#5), to make her a proper bimbo! all the boat sounds.... also, how do I get #8? I need her, must have her in my life!


Hah! That's the wang-wielding 'backup' version of Sparkle that can be found down the 'blame Roopah' path during the murder investigation aboard the ship.

Alex Delmon

can someone help me i would like to get the 8th one but i don t find the good way to get her ! thank a lot