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Thank you for your support!

You can find all the information on how my patreon works and the download links to the current rewards here:


Hope you like the rewards, and If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me a message! =D

- Krys

Added: 2024-01
Thank you for your support! Here's a quick explanation of how my patreon works:

  1. Every month I'll create 4 new drawings.
  2. During the month, I'll post previews of the images, the standart version of each image and polls for you to vote and suggest future characters.
  3. Once the month is over, Patreon usually takes up to 3 days to process all the pledges.
  4. After the pledges are processed, you'll receive your rewards via message here on Patreon (around the 3rd-4th day of the next month).
Hope you like this month rewards, and If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me a message! =D
- Krys
Added: 2023-02