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Hello all! Today, we bring to you the Definitive Edition of our borough Brimspur. This post includes some new content and some tweaks to old content. A summary follows!

Borough Guide

Patrons at the General Messenger and Chief Courier tier can now download the Definitive Edition Borough Guide! There's a table of contents, a few errors have been fixed, and (most importantly) the whole document is now one big 50-page PDF. You can grab the Definitive Edition PDF via this link.

VTT Tokens

All patrons can download the full suite of Brimspur VTT Tokens via this link.

Foundry Module

The Brimspur Foundry module is completed! The whole setting is implemented (with each of the full map variants!), interior maps are in place, and music + PDF are all ready to use as well. Patrons at the Chief Courier tier can grab the Brimspur Foundry Module via the Chief Courier Master Post. If you notice any issues with the Foundry module, please just ping us, and we'll make sure to edit and update ASAP!

Please note: there are two versions of the Brimspur Foundry module, one that uses the Levels module (shout-out to Ripper93 for the incredible Foundry programming), and one that does not. Generally speaking, we strongly recommend that you use the version with Levels.


We've got high-res maps of the infernal crossroads that are ungridded, seamless, and glorious. We have six versions of the map: Original, Desert, Desert No Carnival, Forest, Styx, and Winter. The variant maps are only available to patrons at the General Messenger tier and up!

Map Assets

We've released another set of map assets! This bundle of rock assets includes 95 .pngs of stone piles, rubble, and giant rocky platforms. Sprinkle these on any of your exterior maps to give them a bit of more rugged texture and tactical depth. With these diverse rock assets, you can completely transform your custom maps, whether you use DungeonDraft, Inkarnate, MS Paint, or any other map-making software. We release new asset bundles with each Definitive Edition but only for our Chief Courier patrons!

Bonus Content

We've got a few pieces of fun bonus content to help all of you flesh out your Brimspur adventures. You can download all of this bonus content via this link. Here's what inside:

  • We've got a brand new track from our composer Will! The Western-themed tune is titled Shadows Borne Onward, and it's perfect for quieter moments exploring the infernal frontier. Crunchy guitars blend with ambient piano for a decidedly wicked Wild West texture.
  • BB czars Cze & Peku have contributed the massacre variant of their Wild West Saloon map. Look, we know the interior maps for Brimspur already include two distinct saloons, but we just figured you'd want the flexibility of even more crunchy, rowdy, rootin' tootin' saloon maps. If you dig colorful and diverse battlemaps, make sure to follow Cze and Peku on Patreon.
  • We've teamed up with Abyssal Brews yet again to bring you a perfectly thematic homebrewed 5e magic item for Brimspur adventures. Flint & Steel is an ideal wacky gun to hand to players as they explore the infernal crossroads. Abyssal Brews releases fabulously designed items alongside unique mechanical systems for both D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e. Go support them on Patreon!
  • Our oldest pal (and one of our first patrons) Griff of the Griffon's Saddlebag has offered yet another thematic homebrewed 5e magic item. The Hedonic Motivator is a... unique whip for certain varieties of succubi, incubi, or other sadistic pleasure seekers and their masochistic allies. If you want magic items for your 5e campaign, you simply must follow The Griffon's Saddlebag.

Additional Resources

We just want to remind you about some additional resources we have available:

  • Our new website is simply the best way to browse our content. Check out summaries of all of our boroughs, click through all of our map variants, and preview all of our music by selecting relevant tags.
  • You can check out this Google sheet to see every track we've released and filter them by tags, city, whatever. Very helpful for quickly finding tunes you need!
  • Speaking of tunes, the Brimspur EP is now live on streaming services! Go listen on Spotify, Bandcamp, YouTube, or wherever you stream.
  • If you want to make printouts for your players, or if you just want to browse our lovely artwork, we upload all of our illustrations to this Google Drive folder.


We've uploaded a lot of content and revised a bunch of links today, so if anything isn't loading, please send us a message and we'll be sure to fix it ASAP.



Cindy Dibete

I never subscribed for this I have money stolen out of my Pay Pa account!!!!

Sophie Richau

I have been soooooo excited for this!!! 😱