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Don't negotiate with pirates

Hello all, and welcome back to the independent port city of Yllmourne! This is our fourth release for the town, but we're not quite done. We'll be releasing a fifth bundle of content later this month. Folks who have been paying attention to the borough guides might have a pretty good idea of what that release will contain. Stay tuned!

Borough Guide

This week's borough guide introduces you to the Yllmourne Library, the oldest structure in the entire town. There's some truly radical documents in this space... why in the world would reasonable people put such a valuable resource in this dangerous town? You'll also learn about the dreaded Captain Wren Toothtaker and his ship The Hundred Grin. Can your players protect Ms. Sandberg's warehouse from the violent pillagers?


This map slots into the southeast corner of the city. City-wide battles will be a blast along these rickety docks. If your players find a way to complete an Yllmourne arc without getting tossed into the bay, that'll be quite the achievement. As always, we have some stellar variants for this map: misty, rainy, winter, summer, Shadowfell, and low-tide. There are secrets at the bottom of the harbor... is the party willing to explore when the tide goes out?

Patrons at the Chief Courier tier and up get access to a whole bunch of interiors for this map: multiple floors for the Yllmourne library and for Bonita's warehouse. We haven't included a library in one of our cities since Vyndurvoht (which was "nontraditional" to say the least), so I'm sure you players will be stoked to visit this one. 


"Forbidden Cartography" is somewhat spooky, somewhat edgy, somewhat groovy; perfect for fact-finding trips to Yllmourne's oldest building. This is music you can use for all varieties of urban adventures: into seedy crime dens, murder scenes, obvious ambushes, or corrupt government offices. If you need something with a much more magical air to it, throw on the "Arcana" variant!


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

Yllmourne 04 - Volumes and Villainy - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

Yllmourne 04 - Volumes and Villainy - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

Yllmourne 04 - Volumes and Villainy - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:




I'm loving the whole Yllmourne collection and can't wait for the final set of maps, but one minor detail is throwing me off... The Borough Guide for this module mentions a "special collections storage, a private room on the third floor" of the library, but as far as I can tell there isn't a third floor (or any visible access to a third floor from the highest floor provided). I can easily omit this detail when running the module, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Other than that, I love these maps! Thanks for all your hard work.

Borough Bound

Hey Chris! Ahh, yes, the interior map you're looking for is "Library Tower First Floor." Two weird things make this not super obvious: 1. Our writer Will is American and calls the ground floor the "first floor," whereas our interior cartographer is British and calls the ground floor the "ground floor." As such, there's sometimes a bit of unintuitive naming differences. 2. The tower of the library ended up making sense more as something of a separate map. That special collections storage is still the HIGHEST part of the library (away from prying eyes), but the tower is notably separate from the rest of the building. Check out the side-view illustration of the library on page 2 of the guide for a better sense of the geometry there. We'll definitely tweak that language in the Definitive Edition of the document to make it clearer.


Ahhh, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification! I'm running these maps in my campaign either tonight or next week, and I can't wait. I think my players will really dig all the detail, just like I have. Thanks again!