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Somebody's gotta be running this place, right?

Welcome back to Gruuk Jit'Jit, everybody! I realize now that we never announced how big this city will be. Get buckled up, y'all, cause this is our biggest city yet: 9 releases, 3x3 map. It's a big one.

This week's release gives you everything you need to start your journeys to Gruuk Jit'Jit, with plenty of info about how to actually get your party to the flying city. Strap in!

Borough Guide

Our second guide is all about... well, as the title says: coming and going. We cover how you might arrive in Gruuk Jit'Jit, the folks you'll meet when you do so, and the chaos of the tourist docks. After you land, you'll get funneled through the Endless Barbecue, which will either be the best thing your party has ever seen or a disgusting scene of loathsome debauchery depending on the party. Then, they'll drop off the requisite gizmos and gadgets at the Flying Pig Lodge to gain entry to the supposedly uncontrolled and uncontrollable tavern complex. Leaving is as simple as hitching ride back to the mainland... right?


This map slots in right to the east of the previous map. To the north, you see the tourist docks, where most parties will arrive. Then there's the elemental-powered grills that cook the never-ending feasts enjoyed by travelers and goblins alike. Finally, there's the entrance itself to the Flying Pig Lodge. That might look like a big section of tavern, but it's miniscule compared to what you'll see in future maps.

We have two interior maps this week: a hangar within the docks, and the interior of one of the reclaimed elven homes. It'll be immediately obvious to your players which part of the home is untouched; the goblins snagged the bottom floor but haven't bothered raiding the second story.


Jit'Jit goblins love accordion, and dockworker Eyka Jit'Jit loves it most of all. The goblin folk tune "Eyka's Song" will ring our through the tourist docks at all hours as Eyka inspects airships and chats up curious visitors. If you want something a little bit less solo accordion, you can throw on the "Oom Pah Pah" variant, perfect for human-led polka bands at the barbecue.


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

Gruuk Jit'Jit 02 - Coming and Going  - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

Gruuk Jit'Jit 02 - Coming and Going  - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

Gruuk Jit'Jit 02 - Coming and Going  - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:



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