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We've all lost something...

Well, here it is. The final release for Muc-Mhara. We've gone as deep as we can go, and we've arrived at Scamhóga herself. We've got a crazy map today, a whole museum for you to explore, our longest track that we've ever released, and a plot hook that will conclude all of your adventures in Muc-Mhara with a satisfying fae twist.

Please note that it may take some time for us to complete the Definitive Edition of Muc-Mhara. Now that all of the primary content has been completed, we have to do a fair bit of editing, plus creating the Foundry module from scratch. We'll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Borough Guide

This final borough guide concerns Scamhóga and the people who choose to spend time in her midst. The Calling affects all landlubbers foolish enough to remain in the city eventually, and there are  a number of potential fates that may befall those stricken. Plus, we learn about the obligatory cult to the titan, and the potential ways that adventures might revive Scamhóga. What will happen to Muc-Mhara if she does return to the skies? 


Ooh, this map is a good one. Of course, it is dominated by Scamhóga, the slumbering collosus. Cultist tents and the impressive Shrine of the Thousand False Gods make up the rest of this corner of the city.

We've got a quite in-depth map of the interior of this shrine, which is perfect for heists, research, or fact-finding reconnaisance with the Seers of the Tetrad.

At long last, we can see Muc-Mhara in its entirety. From Will's hilariously terrible outline of the city to the final product. James will be making a few edits to the map for the Definitive Edition, so sit tight if you want the true final version of the stitched together mega-map. 


We've got the longest track Will has ever released this week. "Scamhóga" is an atmospheric journey, a meandering exploration of all of Muc-Mhara's moods. Mysterious, divine, corrupting, and rejoiceful. Perfect for background music whenever your players are exploring, or for exalant emotional scenes celebrating that sort of expansive post-rock sound. If you want something even more distant and focused, you can also grab the ambient variant, which places harmony and texture at the forefront.


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

Muc-Mhara 06 - Scamhóga  - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

Muc-Mhara 06 - Scamhóga  - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

Muc-Mhara 06 - Scamhóga  - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:




I adore this whole thing - really wish it came with tokens for important NPCs though!

Borough Bound

We will be releasing all of the tokens for Muc-Mhara when we finish up the Definitive Edition of the city in a week or so!