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Films, books, games, more games. Enjoy!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Luke Slater

I think the true, mind-blowing novelty of Moorcock could only really be experienced by a fifteen year old reading it at time of publication. It's very of its era. For me, it has a particular resonance, especially right now, as most of the Moorcock I read was in the form of my dad's old copies of the Hawkmoon and Corum books, so what was mind-blowing was that my dad read fantasy, and not, like, Tolkien, but fantasy like the stuff I was able to get from the woefully understocked fantasy and SF section of the Fleet public library, at all. Dad passed away last week, so I keep reviewing all the old connections I felt with him. Moorcock was definitely one of those.


I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Allison and I are thinking of you all. If there's anything we can do, although what it could be I don't know, please do say. I think part of the thing about Moorcock is also that he was on an interesting line between classic pulp and the avant-garde, so you could get away with reading what was, at heart, basically a sword and sorcery adventure story while still being hip.


if still looking for religious one offs - anointing in oils or the wickerman