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Patreon backer Tobias brings you this special episode all about the monsters who aren't around. In this episode I refer to a short story by Sofia Samatar, which you can read here. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


James Baillie

I'm really interested that you did this whole episode without going into the Witcher at all, where this really is one of the main setting-level themes! And I think something that could work about that is the idea that the players (/Geralt) as the people who face off against monsters are themselves dying out with the monsters that they're fighting. That gives a particular vibe where you're not being placed as the "well this is a bummer look at the future and what we did to the world" but "we're also the past, this whole conflict is the past, but there are still big individual stakes and even world-threatening evils out there even if this fancy new world that thinks it's done with adventurers doesn't appreciate that". That puts you on the side of the monsters in terms of your position re the world changing, but not in terms of not having to still fight them, which I think can work. So you can get the mood where in the long run this is all kinda passing and maybe the glory days of adventuring have gone and a new age is encroaching, but also there still are monsters to be fought - and maybe also there's something this new fancy human world without magic still needs to learn from the escapades of good old fashioned style rangers and paladins and the like. I think that sounds like a campaign vibe I'd enjoy if not one I'd necessarily run.


Now that you say that, you're absolutely right, but I just cannot keep the events of the Witcher in my head. I've never played the games or read the books, and when I think of the TV show I only remember bits and pieces. But you're right, that additional aspect of "what use does a world without monsters have for monster hunters" is there too.