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Patreon backer Paul brings you this special episode about monsters who live forever -- unless they don't.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Luke Slater

In a similar vein, the elves in my setting are not immortal, but are long-lived. Traditionally, they reach maturity between 50 and 100 years old. It's up to each elf to decide that they are ready to take on an adult name and gender identity, however, and elves who grow up around humans or other shorter-lived people often want to 'graduate' with their friends. The result is that you get a lot of young elves who take on their adult identity and *then* go through a sort of protracted and largely unsupervised adolesence. Other elves look at them as a sort of lost generation, while among other races they create a reputation that elves are real slackers.


There's an early episode of The Prancing Pony Podcast that examines the concept in Tolkien's legendarium that mortality is the "gift of [God] to Man" that may make interesting companion listening. https://theprancingponypodcast.com/2016/05/07/010-it-is-a-gift/


I will check it out! I think I have read something on mortality in Tolkien that may relate to this, but I don't recall ...


I like that idea -- it allows you to have the immortal elven culture while giving elven PCs a spot in that worldview.