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Patreon backer Damien brings you this special episode all about the creatures of Swedish monster-hunting RPG Vaesen!

Get your US copies of the Pamphlet here and the Magonium Mine Murders here. In the UK? Get your physical copies of the Pamphlet of Pantheons, the Magonium Mine Murders, or both direct from me. Looking for digital copies? Find them on Itch or on Drivethru.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



More generally I think a Brindlewood Bay approach to Vaesen would work very well, by which the players establish what the clues mean and the test is whether their solution does indeed dispatch the beast.


That's kind of The Between, isn't it? I mean, Brindlewood Bay as monster-hunting mystery game, anyway.


Thanks James! It was great. I like that in Vaesen it is built-in that you can deal with monsters in multiple ways, and that the monsters aren't necessarily evil or antagonistic - they are just part of the world and they sometimes cause bad things to happen to people but that's not necessarily their intent. They remind me of the mushi from Mushishi.


Yeah, it's definitely a monster-investigating game rather than a monster-fighting game. Monsters are situations, not necessarily antagonists -- although they might be!