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In our break between seasons, we're taking a look at one of the less explicable chapters of Deities and Demigods, the Arthurian section!

Although I hadn't originally planned to cover this section, I had fun recording this episode. What do people think? Would it be interesting to look into? 



It which James persuades himself of something he did initially go for. I think Knights could be patrons, or enemies, or a backdrop to the players. Or perhaps even their squires. I played a squire in Pendragon, and it was great fun doing all the stuff knights weren't supposed to do because it was beneath them, and then fighting too. And although knights aren't religious as such, they are embodiments, or failures of, the courtly virtues. And as such might represent orders of chivalry for Paladins for example.


Great addition, love hearing you talk about the Arthurian section dude!


I think a few of them might well serve that purpose. The overall problem is that most knights are just too similar. They weren't created as a cast of characters, but as individual heroes. I guess you could say that about the Justice League ... and I would totally have a game where the pantheon were just the Justice League.