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Patreon backer Jason brings you this special episode all about the creatures and magical world of Pan's Labyrinth!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Andrew M. Reichart

Minto would definitely eat the grapes! 😆


I think there are a few ways in which some characters can be tempted by food. Dying Earth, obviously, where PCs have temptations. Another is if a character has a drive or source of stability, such as in GUMSHOE, which tempts them to action. They also might be tricked into eating by an NPC who knows the effect of eating and pretends that it's their food. And if that fails, there's always save versus nosh (or something).


I think that with systems where those kinds of incentives are built in from the beginning it works well (and is quite different). But in a D&D game, save vs get walloped feels arbitrary and not a lot of fun. Ultimately, the problem is that D&D makes a virtue of smart play at a tactical level and not-smart play at a narrative level, which can make for weird situations when the two clash.