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Patreon backer Jake brings you this special episode as a birthday gift for a friend. What an ideal gift idea!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



You only have to play the AD&D Alice in Wonderland modules (EX1 and EX2) to realise how little of the whimsy gets through. I don't know how Die Schwarze Auge stacks up but the French game Reve de Dragon has, again, a peculiar style all it's own. Although in some ways it does have the whimsy more present in the English games. The first few creatures are the Alligat, a bipedal herbivorous crocodile which knocks enemies over to tread on them. Le Cerf(stag), nothing special. Le Chafouin (means sly), a kind of naked tricksy goblin (the illustration has a penis - we're definitely in France). They prefer to play cruel japes and only attack when they outnumber 3 to 1. Again, they try to knock enemies over and bite or strangle them. Then we have death dogs, half-real nightmare creatures, really nasty; carnivorous and venomous cockroaches; and blue people. These are travellers from another dream, impossible to understand nomads who don't think the world is real.


I feel like there's a definite kind of borscht-belt, Marvel-comics kind of dad-joke humour in D&D. I don't quite know how to describe it, except to say that the April fools issue of Dragon was not the kind of comedy that surprised anyone.