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Patreon supporter Greggie brings you this special episode on Bahamut, the mighty platinum dragon and also a very big fish.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.    



I really dig the idea of Bahamut as the being evil mortals have to beat to become immortals and Tiamat is the one to beat for good mortals.

Thomas McGrenery

Me too. Leviathan also appears as a defeated foe in Psalm 74 (73 in the Vulgate): "13.by your power you split the sea in two, and smashed the heads of the monsters on the waters. 14. You crushed Leviathan's heads, gave him as food to the wild animals." Leviathan is the English translation of the 'dragon' in the Vulgate, which interestingly doesn't say "wild animals" like most English versions (or "those living in the desert") but rather "the Ethiopian people" -- "14 Tu confregisti capita draconis; dedisti eum escam populis AEthiopum." Proving yourself a (demi)god by defeating the Great Dragon and giving its meat to be eaten by the people is a pretty good, bloody swords & sorcery way of becoming the divine king or something.


I love the Bahamut Bites - every dragon’s favourite snack that won’t spoil your appetite between meals!