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My Patreon backers -- backer Gerall in particular -- bring you this episode about Glorantha's trolls, the creatures who call themselves Uz. Enjoy!

(Here is that link to Trollpak I mentioned.)

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.     



Thanks to Gerall for the great choice of topic, and thank you James for your comprehensive overview of the trolls of Glorantha. Much appreciated!


Trolls are great. Although I'm less sure about the word Uz.


I don't mind it. It dates to Trollpak, right? I know there are people who don't like what they see as new-Glorantha names for old-Glorantha things, like "Urox" or "durulz."


I'm glad you enjoyed it -- although I don't know about "comprehensive." There's a lot to cover!