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Let me know what ideas or scenarios you'd like to see me turn into an   audio! The most popular suggestions will be added to a poll for you all  to vote on in a few days.  (As always, feel free to suggest ideas from  previous polls if you'd like to give them a second chance 😊)

Also I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day!!  🥰 I ordered pizza and watched Demon Slayer with my cat lol so mine was 10/10.

Oh also!!! Gimme more suggestions for things to read for Rum's Story Time!

Check out the audios from the last poll!

and a quick lil rant cause I know valentines day can get some people down. pls remember that your relationship status, whatever it may be, does not define your worth as a person. 💕 You are important and you matter. Plus, there are lots of kinds of love and they should all be celebrated. And self love is one of the most important of them all. So do something nice for yourself if you are feeling a little down, that's an order! (ok not actually but you should cause you deserve it 🥰)



Someone else had mentioned something with a priest which I highly second. As for your short stories, I would love to hear Moon-Face by Jack London or The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, both are in the public domain, but fair warning they’re both a little f’ed up.


Maybe a SFW like something very sensual and loving no seggs just raw love