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For the first time in a very long, long time I had the chance to sit down at the table with real pencil and paper...📄✍✨

Man, I hadn't realized how much I missed working with traditional media. The scratching sound on the paper and the shine of the graphite are pure bliss, unbeatable...!!!

Yeah, the quality of the line leaves a lot to be desired, but by the end of the session I was getting my technique back a bit.

About the drawing itself, not much to say, cute elf girl making our day with her enthusiastic cheering...(✿ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Not sure if I'll finish this drawing or if I'll just leave it as a fun experience...!

I have a lot of delays with my work schedule so I can't afford to waste time on personal shenanigans.

Anyway, I hope you find this interesting... ✌✨




Wow, love a good cheerleader outfit! 😍❤️🔥


I like cheerleaders even more than maids or other cosplays, but there are never enough opportunities to draw them...ρ(- ω -、) Plus you need a very specific type of outgoing, energetic girl to fill the outfit...!


I think it's great! I love sketching on paper as well. Even with all of the digital tech we have these days, nothing beat the feel of traditional.


Yeah, definitely true...!!! It's not just silly nostalgia or hipster eccentricity. Everything that one does in traditional media has weight and feels much more real, well, because it is real...lol The thing I miss the most about traditional media is the iron smell of the ink. I'm seriously tempted to ink this girl's lines... 😖💦 I still have my pen nibs and some ink left around.