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Boy, this scene really was a lot of fun...(ノ´ з `)ノ♥

Now I feel bad that I didn't take the opportunity to draw some cute Yuri during my training period...

ρ(- ω -、)ヾ( ̄ω ̄; )

My thinking during that time was to focus on drawing as many individual poses as possible, maximizing learning through exploration. But definitely I put aside how interesting it is to draw two bodies interacting together...

In this particular case with Nao and Morrighan I had to take into account things like softness, elasticity and weight to draw a good pair of delicious marshmallows. Things went to 100 in terms of breast physics when Morrighan uses the breast expansion spell with Nao...!

(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚🍈🍈

Even more softness and weight had to be taken into account to create a nice effect.

All in all I am quite satisfied with the results.

A lot of progress over the 2018 version...(─‿‿─)

I hope to continue improving to deliver more and more impressive drawings for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you for keeping an eye on me during this process...!

As in any trip, having good company makes the road much more fun.

Anyway, I'll see you for the next one...(* ^ ω ^)👍✨




Nao has some real heft. The way you drew the shadows and light help define her breasts in a third dimension. Depth doesn't seem the right word to me since it's coming outward, but I hope you know what I mean. Also, really nice work on her accessories.


I really wanted to capture a good impression of weight and volume so giving some thought to the placement of the shadows and highlights was really important. As for the accessories, this time I went all the way with the details in the jewelry, in the 2018 version I simplified a lot of things, so this time I decided to put the extra effort into it. Cool to hear that you liked it...(* ^ ω ^) 👍