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Hey people, greetings... ( ̄▽ ̄)/ 

How is everything going...?

Everyone still enjoying the content...?

Great, I'm still enjoying creating it for all of you... (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b 

And speaking of content, what do we have for today...?

Great, yuri...!!!

Wait a moment, can you hear that...?  Σ(O _ O  ) !

It's time again for...!!!


Anime recommendations, the section in which I recommend anime in some way related to the current content... (°ロ°) ! 

(Although secretly it's just a cheap way for me to fill out this damn comment box)

¡Anime recommendations!, please keep in mind that:

1.- I am really bad at writing and even worse at reviewing things...
2.- I have a very trashy taste and I am never up to date with the newest anime...
3.- Maybe I should not have started this list, I do not even have a third point...

Well, anyway, let's start... (⌐■_■) 

► Aoi Hana 7.5/10

If you want to see an anime yuri that can be called somehow "serious". I believe that this is a good choice, a deep relationship between characters, real drama, human conflict and ...

Do you think I am being ambiguous since I do not  remember anything about the plot...?

 ( ಠ_ಠ)U ... Ok, you got me! But even so I remember that I really enjoy this anime and I have it in high regard on my list of yuri animes.

So my word should be more than enough... ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 

► Sakura Trick 8.5/10

An endless festival of lips and  tongues  intertwined...(  ˘  ▽ ˘ )♡(˘  ▽ ˘   ) 

A deep-throating kiss guaranteed in each episode or the complete refound of your money! (Most likely you're going to pirate the series, so no money back) ... But even so, kisses at a neck breaking speed...!!!

If you do not like those slow ass animes with deep relationships between characters, real drama and human conflict then this is the ideal series for you... ♡ ~('▽^人) 

Yuru Yuri 9.5/10

It has the word yuri in the title, so it must be very related... (」°ロ°)」 

Yuru Yuri is not just about the sweet sweet yuri, it's about the wacky comedy, super kawaii girls and high quality humor... (☆▽☆) 

It's so good that it's in my top ten comedy animes.

Yuri or not, it is a "must see"  obligatory... (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 




Oh man, I used to play this game like crazy 10 years ago... Surprises me to see it again here. Brings back memories


Fanarts are a cool way to pay tribute to our favorite series and games...:D No matter how old or unknown they are, it's a good way to show that we care...♥