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My RPG instincts are telling me that a direct confrontation without insurance with the bees would be wasted effort since she would need to use the healing potion right away if she get sting. Same applies for entering an unfamiliar building that could harbour dangers without proper preparations, which is why a proper investigation of the surroundings could help find a tool to get rid of the bees easily and to find a hint for the possible dangers in the building.


Listen to the goddess of solutions guys, she has +25 wisdom 😝 I agree that a proper investigation might bring some extra goodies... maybe stuff for the future. Or BEes are best cause she has both a dagger and more agility. Who knows...


Haha, I see what you did there. 😄 Well, I am sure the outcome will be great regardless of the next choice, just not necessarily the most wisely. But you know how it is, you only learn from mistakes. 😜


I want her to walk to the bees and squish them by clap her hands together lol


Hmm... Listen to the Goddess of Solutions... Hmm... Fuck it, I'm in. Though if anything goes wrong I blame Glindaia. XD