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In case you don't remember ('cause it's been a while) he's the same guy Kallen met back in the party😉 (page 18)

Small notice: I felt like between the beach scene and the monster movie night things moved too fast. So, to fix that I made an extra page that's already up on DA (Page 41). So no, I didn't skip page 56 in this one. I just added Page 41 and therefore most pages have been messed up a bit. I'll fix all of this when new the full comic is done and I make the PDF version

Sorry for the inconveniences!




Well that was definitely awkward for her. She had a chance to stop herself from her addiction but she refuses to and keeps going with her temptations with practically no self control. Also, I just realized... HOW THE HELL CAN SHE AFFORD THIS?! How is she not broke yet given how she keeps giving into her addiction! Was not expecting the dude to have a Belly Fetish though, I'll give him some credit for maintaining self control and also so he doesn't get fired. But, Good lord That Ice Cream needs to be Stopped. Forget the Flamethrower! We need to find the Factory and blow it up! EXPLOSIVES TIME! WOOHOO! Also, No need to apologize. Mistakes happen. Like I've said numerous times You're only one person you can only do so much on your own. But, You try your hardest to bring out the best for us. Don't beat yourself up over it.


Aw she found an admirer, possibly feeder, good for her


Oh good she found someone whose into that. It'll make the sentient entity living in her guts job MUCH easier now. Like no it must be hard to have to like stimulate her. But her getting a boyfriend who is in that kinda thing. WELL now you can just sit back and relax. Really figure out how to Feng Sui everything in there get everything nice and cozy turn this fixer upper into a proper home. Like finally something nice and easy. Good for you sentient entity living in her guts. I'm happy for you. Though my only question is. Does this thing actually have any attachment to Kallen or does it just view her as like ya know a house to put your stuff in. If I were a betting woman *which I am it's a real problem* I'd bet the later. Though I'd be quite pleased if the former. I dunno I think it would be sweet if it actually cared


If she stops right now, it would be the end of the comic xD Also, the ice cream is on sale, and since no one else seems to like it, prices are going down and down all the time. Therefore, she can actually buy a lot of it without spending too much money 😉 Did someone say explosives? 👀


Things are definitely going to escalate quickly if both are into that (well, technically she isn't, but it's enjoying the ice cream too much to stop) 😉 I can't really reply to that (spoilers!😅) but I can say that some of the previous panels might give a hint about that...


Ok fair enough. for the Comic and also the Ice cream price. And you bet your sweet bippy I did. (I couldn't resist making that reference. XD. Look it up.) Also, Ah ha! I knew it! You love Explosives too! So, Miniguns, Flamethrowers, and Explosives. What's next Nukes? XD Geez Astraea and I thought I was Psycho with Weapons of Destruction. XD


I don't mind her having an admirer. But, please for the love of god I hope he doesn't encourage her to eat more of that Ice Cream... It's already gotten out of hand...


One compliment of him and she will certainly quadruple down


I've always had the feeling there was something up with that Ice cream. Glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking something like that. Also, Why do I get the feeling that this. "If I were a betting woman which I am it's a real problem" Might be a reference or I could just be going crazy and this was more or less for humor convenience.


Sad thing is you're not wrong. So, If he didn't have Self control and Complimented her Belly. She would have downed that Ice Cream right in front of him.


Tbh if you are no fan of weight gain, judging by your comments, you shouldnt have brought up a factory earlier. Enables an whole new story route


It does make me wonder how much of a willing participant in this whole endeavor she actually is. But hey this guy is most assuredly into it so ya know that could change and again sentient entity in her guts is happier for it Looking back on previous pages I can make an argument for both. Like it’s clear it wants to expand. However it does sometimes comfort her. Which on the one hand could be trying to make her not think to much I dunno


Eh, It's whatever to me. Though, I do love Astraea's Content. Heh, Well that is true. Though think of it what could be producing this Ice Cream and getting it legally sold to shops? A Factory actually makes sense. Though, It does provide a Route. But, That's not my decision to make. It's Astraea's. I just simply support whatever choice Astraea makes.


Hmm.. Yeah you definitely make some valid points. Guess we'll find out soon enough.


Well gaps in logic like these are bound to happen in kink/fetish fiction. One cant do an entire world building for every kink sequence there is. It could be justified by her being an unoticed exception, with an outbreak of obese at the end or a riot against the company, though last one probably wont happen in fiction


I knew it! God, I miss DragonBall Z Abridged...

The Lone Wolf

Hey Astraea I think you skipped 56 just a heads up I could be wrong though

The Lone Wolf

But this comic is great keep it up


Not really. What I did was add a page between 40 and 41, so by now, all previous numbers are a bit messed up ;p

idk a good name

Can someone explain what that blue thing on her belly is on page 59?


Just a minor clipping of the clothes over the 3D model (always happens when working with bellies ;p)