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When we got back to the Pokemon Centre, the sun was already beginning to dip down below the horizon and the dusk of night would soon be on us. So, it looked like I couldn't set off from Cerulean City immediately. Oh well, as much as I wanted to push ahead further and get my hands on a few certain things, a day here and there wouldn't hold me up much.

Besides, I couldn't exactly put most of my plans into motion until Pidgeotto evolved. Or well, I could, Fearow could likely carry me to where I wanted to go, but it was a lot of places and a lot of distance to cover. So it would be more efficient for me to have Pidgeotto reach Pidgeot first, or catch some other large flying type pokemon, so I could switch between them when one got tired.

When we entered, Hilda went off up to the room she had reserved in the Pokemon Centre to change her clothes, taking my jacket with her. Not that I minded, it looked a hell of a lot better on her than it did me. And that show she gave me was just nice.

I on the other hand, made my way over to the video phones, taking a seat at the one most furthest away from others, and then sat down and dialed in the number for the Viridian City Pokemon Centre.

After a few moments of ringing, the phone was answered and the video screen lit up showing the familiar face of Nurse Joy, but not only that, she was cradling a Charmander to her chest.

Her eyes lit up when she saw me, "Jord!" she said, "Finally, I've been waiting for you to call, there's been a lot going on the past few days about you?"

"What?" I asked in confusion. As far as I'm aware, beyond capturing quite a few pokemon, and getting my second badge, I've not really done much.

"Well first, congratulations on your second badge, I just got the notification for it not long ago," the attractive pink haired woman congratulated me, and I smiled proudly, then she narrowed her eyes, "But, more importantly, where did you catch this Charmander? They're very rare, and there shouldn't be any wild populations anywhere near Cerulean City."

That's my Charmander! I didn't recognise it through the video phone, I really want to transfer him over soon, and I will even if my plan doesn't work out to my expectations, "An asshole called Cross released it because my Beedrill beat Charmander in a battle," I shrugged, "Not to brag, but my pokemon are incredibly strong and Beedrill is fully evolved. The guy was a total moron, releasing a pokemon as amazing as Charmander over one loss. And I may have let my excitement at seeing such an amazing pokemon in front of me and caught Charmander." I wasn't sure of his gender, which and made sure to keep from calling the fire type 'it' as much as I could. It just felt so disrespectful to such a majestic and awe inspiring creature of legendary proportions.

Charmander looked up from Nurse Joy's chest to look me in the eye through the video phone and I put on the most inviting smile I could, "Sorry if I gave you a bit of a shock Charmander, I got a bit ahead of myself," I apologized, "I think Cross is an idiot to have given you up, and if you'll have me as your trainer, I promise I won't make that same mistake." especially since I know with a bit of dedicated training from Ash, it absolutely demolished Cross' Incineroar the second it fully evolved into Charizard.

Charmander keeping looking at me with big green eyes for a few moments, and I won't lie, my heart hammered in my chest and I felt my palms getting sweaty with nervousness at the thought of the fire type turning me down. But I breathed a sigh of relief when Charmander slowly began to smile at me, "Char, Charmander!" Charmander raised one little orange arm up to touch the screen and nodded at me.

"See, I told you Jord would be happy to have you, like I said, he was even happy to get a common little Rattata," Nurse Joy rubbed Charmander's head with a giggle, getting a little mewl of happiness from the little flame tailed lizard pokemon, "Now why don't you run along for a bit and play with the other pokemon while I talk to Jord about some things?"

"Charmander." Charmander nodded, and let Nurse Joy set him or her down, but not before they tossed me a little wave. I happily waved back.

Once Charmander was gone, Nurse Joy sighed and rubbed her forehead, "You've really gone crazy catching pokemon haven't you?" she mused.

"I can't help it, they're all awesome pokemon," I shrugged, and I meant that about every single one. I was even kicking myself for putting that Goldeen back instead of catching it. "But I don't think that's the problem you want to talk about?"

"If only. While you've definitely got even more eyes on your trainer page now because of all your pokemon," she replied, "It does tie into your pokemon though. One of them specifically. That Smeargle you caught."

I raised an eyebrow, "What about him?" I asked. Beyond his stupidly large move pool, that had grown even larger since I caught him from what I could see on the pokedex, he was still just a Smeargle.

"Well, for one, I've had to keep him in his pokeball, Smeargle picks fights constantly and has even tried to attack me a few times, it's very violent." Nurse Joy told me.

"It did go for me the second I saw it," I recalled, the little prick, he's just lucky Poliwrath took him out or I woulda beat his ass myself, "I was just passing through an alley after getting my first badge and found him tagging a wall."

"So that's where you found it," Nurse Joy hummed before shaking her head, "Tell me Jord, what do you know about how TM's are made?"

"Through some kind of machine that takes the information straight from a pokemon right, making them lose the ability to use that move?" I answered. I'd been quite interested that first night browsing the internet back at the Viridian City Pokemon Centre and found out they were a thing. I don't know why it takes the information and ability straight from the pokemon though and why not like, copy it. I couldn't find any information on that.

I only had two TM's personally right now. I got a TM Case from Brock when I won my first badge. And it didn't really look like a a case, it was more like an adapter with a small screen and pad of buttons on it. To use it, all I would have to do is connect the pokeball to the adapter and select the tm I wanted from the screen with the buttons. I had the TM's for Rock Throw and now Aqua Ring from my two gym battle wins.

"More or less, because of that, Smeargle are a type of pokemon worth quite a lot of money and have become quite rare these days," she nodded, "Because the league has access to your trainer page, associates got the information as well, and I was contacted by a higher up from Silph Co who runs the TM Department with an offer for you, to buy Smeargle from you."

Okay, that sounded sketchy as hell. That was like the definition of big brother having an eye on you. That meant, whatever pokemon I caught, the league had the ability to see it and everything it could do. I suppose it does make sense though, pokemon are super powered magical monsters when you get down to it really, so it would be common sense to have a way to monitor people who had pokemon.

I put it out of mind for the moment since there was nothing I could do about it regardless right now, "What kind of offer?" I asked in interest.

"Well, originally they offered five hundred thousand pokedollars and ten TM's of your choice," Nurse Joy replied, "But when they found out just how violent Smeargle is, they cut the offer down to three hundred thousand and five TM's of your choice."

My eyes went wide and shock filled me, "I'm sorry..what?" I asked stupidly, "Three hundred thousand?" I asked for confirmation.

"That's right, and five TM's of your choice." she confirmed.

"So if I said Hyper Beam?" I asked.

"Then you'd get one for Hyper Beam." she nodded, confirming for me again.

Well. Honestly, as amazing as it would be to have a Kakashi-lite with a Smeargle, that was some amazing money. For winning my second gym badge just there, I earned fifteen thousand, six hundred pokedollars, bringing me up to just under twenty thousand. I would be multiplying my funds by over fifteen times.

My bank account in this world, had an interest rate of 1.4% per month. I'd made sure to look over it thoroughly when I first got here when trying to puzzle out how the fuck I even had one already set up. At those rates, with three hundred thousand in the bank alone, I'd be getting twelve thousand pokedollars extra a month.

If I stick to my original plan of living on my earned money through gym battles and such, I'll have a decently large fixed income building up over time, which will steadily raise higher bit by bit each month.

Screw Smeargle, money all the way! I know where to find some wild ones anyway, "Then I think I'll sell it," I decided, "Will you be able to handle it for me?"

"That should be simple enough, I already know your bank account, and I'll just need the user code for your TM Case to get the TM's sent to you," Nurse Joy smiled at me, before frowning a moment later, "Are you sure about this though? Smeargle is your pokemon after all."

I almost hesitated at that. Because...wow, that still felt amazing to hear. That is my pokemon. But, he's a violent little shit, and I don't really have the desire to try and get him to come around when I've got such an amazing offer on board.

"If this guy wants Smeargle for making TM's, he probably has other Smeargle and has a good idea on how to handle then," I decided on replying with, "I have no idea what to do with him right now, so he'll probably be better off with this guy."

"That is true," the pink haired woman hummed, "Well, that's really the only problem besides the fact that eyes on your trainer page have ballooned in the last few hours since you got your second gym badge. Two in two weeks of just starting your journey is really impressive, it looks to everyone that you'll be going places Jord."

"So I've been told," I snorted, "Still, now that I've got two badges, I'm wondering if there's something you can do for me."

"Oh, what's that?" Nurse Joy raised a fine pink eyebrow in interest.

"Can you increase my carry limit?" I asked.


'Twelve huh?' I couldn't wipe the smug grin off of my face as I sat upon a bench within one of the training rooms within the Pokemon Centre. It wasn't really anything special beyond a wide open gym hall, and there was little equipment as well, but it was wide open, and it served my purposes.

I brushed my hands over the pokeballs on my belt, all twelve of them. It wasn't enough for all of my pokemon, but by sending Poliwrath, Beedrill and Raticate back to chill out at Viridian City for a little while, I had all of my pokemon bar those three with me now.

Well, besides Smeargle but he wouldn't be my pokemon for much longer.

I set my bag down and grabbed a certain little thing I bought earlier, before grabbing one of my pokeballs. "Come on out girl." I said, still grinning.

In a flash of light, the pokeball burst open and Feebas formed into existence in front of me. She blinked, looking around and taking in her surroundings, before looking up at me and smiling, wiggling her little blue fins happily, "Feeee!"

Laughing, I reached down and picked her up, "Heya girl, how've you been?" I asked as I held her up to my face and nuzzled my nose against her moist scales, "Sorry it took so long, but I wanted to make sure I could bring over a bunch of you guys at once and not just a few."

"Feeb Feebas!" she nuzzled me right back, it appeared she didn't mind.

Lowering her down to set her in my lap, she looked up at me curiously and I held up the Prism Scale I grabbed from my bag, "So girl, how would you like to evolve right now and become a Milotic?" I asked.

Feebas blinked, looking at me for a bit longer, before her eyes widened and she rapidly nodded her head up and down so fast and hard she almost splashed right out of my lap.

"Alright then," I replied, standing up, I lifted her up and set her on the ground in front of me, "Here we go!" I leaned down, and pressed the Prism Scale gently to her head.

For a moment. Nothing happened, and I just about panicked, thinking my meta knowledge was wrong in this case.
But then, Feebas exploded into blindingly bright light and I had to take a few steps back as within just a seconds, she ballooned in size massively, her body turning from fish, to serpentine, and in just a few blinks of real time, she who only came just above my ankle, towered above me.

And when the light disappeared, in front of me was a beautiful cream scaled and majestic Milotic. And her size just could not be underestimated. Nearly thirty feet long, with a graceful, serpentine body easily twice as wide as my own, if not more so. Not quite the same bulk that giant Gyarados I saw had, but not far off it either.


I noticed then as well, that the Prism Scale in my hand, had disappeared.

"Miii." a trill left Milotic's mouth as her elegant crimson red eyes settled on me. And then the massive water serpent slithered forward and coiled around me, happily rubbing her head against my face.

"A happy girl huh?" I laughed, rubbing my face back against hers. Her scales were room temperature, but smooth as silk.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, pulling it out so I could check out her information on it.

A whistle left my lips when I looked over her profile. Her ability was Marvel Scale, which according to the pokedex was a bit different here than in the games. It apparently gave Milotic a larger resistance to attacks, making her more defensive. 'Good to know.' I thought. And she'd even gained a few attacks.

Water Pulse, Disarming Voice and Life Dew.

I'm not going to lie, that's fucking amazing. That meant Milotic could now heal others as well alongside Clefable who knew it as well, and Chansey.

I continued to hug Milotic a bit, before I stepped away from her, so I could bring out the rest of my pokemon and greet them.

Shiftry and Metapod were the next two out. Both were pretty stoic, Shiftry giving me a nod and a bow of his head in greeting, while Metapod merely stared at me, before grunting. I probably wouldn't find out more about him until he evolved.

Oddish and Bellsprout were very affectionate. Immediately upon me bringing them out, they jumped into my embrace to hug and nuzzle me, which I happily returned. Bellsprout felt a bit weird, but a cool weird, while Oddish just smelled amazing.

Clefable greeted me with a perky smile and happily took a seat to wait for any orders from me. While Graveler grinned and flashed me a thumbs up. The rock and ground type was practically jonesing with energy, so I let him roll around as he pleased. He really loved going fast. He was like Sonic, only, made out of rock. I'll need to find out a way to teach him Rock Polish, he'll love that.

Zubat stared at me for a bit..I think. It was hard to tell when he had no eyes right now. But he listened to whatever I told him, so that was enough for me right now.

Charmander on the other hand...was very shy. As I released him from his pokeball, in amongst the huge circle of me and all my other pokemon, he practically shrunk in on himself, vibrant green eyes darting from side to side nervously.

I crouched down to his level and smiled, "C'mere mate." I said, opening my arms wide.

The little fire type eyed me hesitantly for a moment, before slowly making his way over to me. When he was right in front of me, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him gently to me, making sure to avoid his burning, flame tipped tail, "Don't worry," I kept my voice gentle as I stood up with him in my arms, "I'm nothing like that scrub Cross."
"Chaaaarr." Charmander mewled a bit and began nuzzling me. And for a moment, I stood there and trembled. Awe, excitement, amazement, disbelief and more shot through my body together and meshed into a cocktail that made it hard to breathe for a few seconds.

'I have a charmander in my arms. This is my charmander.' I thought to myself, and it just didn't feel real. A dream since childhood, and..I had accomplished it.

'Get fucked Cross you fucking tiny balled, limp maggot dicked scrub!' I laughed internally. It wasn't a nice laugh either. It was a pleasure filled vindictive laugh of victory.

Whatever happened from now on. It would all work out. And you know why? Because I would have a fucking Charizard in the future. Mewtwo? The Birds? Kyogre and Groudon? The Creation Trio? Arceus? Fucking bring it on, I'll have a fucking Charizard soon!


I ended up spending a good hour and a half in that gym hall. After meeting and greeting all the pokemon myself. I brought out Pidgeotto, Fearow and Chansey and allowed them to fully meet the rest as well.

Shiftry immediately challenged Pidgeotto to a battle. Shiftry was a bit stronger than before, but where before the first battle was quite close, in this one, Pidgeotto won decisively. Which was to be expected, since while it seemed Shiftry had been training during his time at the Pokemon Centre, when they last battled Pidgeotto was freshly evolved and getting used to his new abilities, and since then had continued training and fighting more and more under intense gravity. Shiftry had the superior move pool, but Pidgeotto's physical abilities were just that far ahead.

Though, Shiftry's technique and based speed sure wasn't anything to scoff at, even without a speed enhancing move. If I can get him to learn Sunny Day from Bellsprout or Oddish, using it with his Chlorophyll ability, his speed will be massively increased.

After Pidgeotto won and Chansey healed up Shiftry, I decided to get some training in with everyone and put them all through their first gravity training session. Metapod didn't really do much beyond wiggle around a bit, and the trio of Clefable, Bellsprout and Oddish while happily training at my order, didn't seem to be the types that relished in training.

That was enough for me.

The others though? They all threw themselves into it. Shiftry was a warrior type, so he would have done it regardless, but he trained even harder than he would usually I think after getting his ass kicked again by Pidgeotto. Zubat, I wasn't sure of his motivation. Graveler was easy, since I let him know that the more he trained under Gravity the faster he'd be outside it. Milotic and Charmander on the other hand, I think were like Raticate. They wanted to please me I think, and as such trained hard under Chansey's Gravity attack.

I myself, Pidgeotto and Fearow joined in as well. And we went for three sessions of a half hour. After each session, Chansey used Heal Pulse to heal us all right up, and we continued. Honestly, I only called a halt to the training after an hour and a half because everyone was getting really hungry and Chansey was looking exhausted.

So I returned all my pokeball to their pokeballs, grabbed my bag and left the training gym behind.

I went to the cafeteria first before anything else. To order food, a nice big dinner for myself and have the cook prepare enough food for all my pokemon. The horrified look I got from the one manning the counter when I listed all the pokemon with me was funny as fuck.

Once I grabbed my food, I was surprised to find Hilda already sitting at one of the tables, some guy skulking off from her table with a disappointed look on his face.

I made my way over and sat down the opposite side of her at the table, "So what's his problem?" I asked, casually picking up my fork and taking a bite of my food, while jabbing my thumb over my shoulder at the guy walking away.

"Just a guy asking me out, I told him I wasn't interested," Hilda shrugged, "Where did you get off to?"

"I wanted to spend some time training with all my pokemon, so once I got them all transferred over, I did just that." I replied. I was tempted to look over my shoulder at the guy and see if he was giving me a look since I could practically feel a glare burning into the back of my head. Would it be mean to mime getting a blowjob to him to taunt him?

"Smells like you got right in amongst them as well," she noted, bringing my attention back to her, grabbing her nose and waving her hand in front of her face, "You reek of sweat."

"Well I worked out with them for an hour and a half," I shrugged. It was honestly kind of amazing how casually that was now for me. I mean, I wouldn't have lasted the full time of an hour and a half under the Gravity without the Heal Pulse, and it was at a lower level for my new pokemon to get used to first, otherwise I would have been exhausted in just ten minutes or so. "I'll shower after I eat and get a room for the night."

"You can bunk with me tonight if you want, I've got one to myself and there's four beds in the room." Hilda replied.

Honestly, that sounded great. It would save me the bother of having to get Nurse Joy to set me up with a room. I mean it would only take like ten minutes, but I'm a real lazy bastard sometimes. "I'll take you up on that then, cheers." I said.

She looked at me weirdly for a moment. And I think, just think that she was expecting me to throw some innuendo at her or something. Which to be fair, would be fully expected with how I acted earlier, but right now I'm tired and hungry, and besides I got a lot of it out of my system earlier. You gotta build up a resistance to a hot piece of ass like her, or at least I did before I could calm down around her.

"So, I've been thinking." Hilda started after a moment of silence.

"Did it hurt?" I smirked at her, "The first time usually does without preparation."

"Oh haha, a bimbo joke and a sexual innuendo in one, aren't you funny...not," Hilda rolled her eyes and snorted at me, "But in all seriousness, what do you think of traveling with me for a while?"

I paused in my eating. I didn't really want a traveling companion to be honest. Nothing against her, because so far, even beyond her general twenty out of ten on the boner scale, she was pretty likeable and chill to be around. But I'm the type of guy who likes to keep my own space y'know? On top of that, I don't really want anyone else to know how I train my pokemon. It was imperative to my image later when I became famous, I can't have people abusing my methods like me. I'm selfish like that, there's some things I just don't want to share.

But on top of all that, I can't explain things like knowing where these rare pokemon are when I'll be making a beeline for them without being suspicious.

Temporarily it could work I guess. If I abuse the gravity training in the mornings before she got up and out of the way, then it should be doable. And loner or not, sometimes company is nice even in my own space.

"I guess for a little while I'm fine with it." I replied with a shrug. "Though I'm afraid there's a naked rule only in my tent."

"Good thing I have my own then, huh?" Hilda retorted without missing a beat.

Not to mention, her banter was great man.


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