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It took all of half an hour for my pokemon to be healed up. For the most part, they weren't really hurt at all, and just needed to recover their stamina and get a check up to make sure they were in good health.

In the meantime, I spent that time getting to know Hilda. And learned some interesting stuff. For one, unlike the starter town she's from in the games, here she's actually from Virbank City. Which makes sense, considering she was a child actress, and Virbank City is one of the movie capitals of this world.

She apparently grew up with the pokemon she started her journey with. an Emboar, that she met on the set of a movie as a little girl, when it was still a baby Tepig itself. They bonded, and starred in many a production together. And then, they developed the dream together to make and direct their own movies, so decided to create their own studio.

To that end, they needed even more money than they had. Actors got paid a lot, but it was by production basis. So, they invested most of what they had in a savings account to collect interest, and decided on Hilda becoming a pokemon trainer with Tepig, who had become a Pignite by then, as her starter.

She'd went and finished up two years of schooling to pass her trainer exams. And then, went through the Unova Gym Circuit when she was sixteen. She managed to get six badges, but couldn't manage to get the last two she needed to qualify for the Vertress Conference.

Apparently, there weren't as many gyms in Unova as there were in Kanto. Only ten. And out of the ten, there were a certain four that stood above the rest of the gym leaders. Roxie of Virbank City, Marlon of Humilau City, Cheren of Aspertia City and Drayden of Opelucid City.

Disappointed, but not too put out, Hilda decided on hitting up Kanto next, both to continue her career as a trainer, and to visit the famous, if near abandoned city of Hollywood. The former movie capital of the world.

God, it was funny as fuck that the Hollywood expy was in the Japanese based Region and not the American one.
"Still, I can't believe you're originally from Unova as well," Hilda said in amazement as we left the pokemon centre behind, she was walking in front of, but looking me in the face as she walked backwards, her hands stuffed in the back pockets of her shorts. "Unova is way more strict about letting kids get their licenses early."

"I grew up on the streets, and even got my starter pokemon from the wild without any help," I lied, giving her my fabricated back story, "The Pokemon Centre at my town put through the request for me to get my license early, and since I was already used to living by myself, and was able to easily pass the exam. I was more or less a trainer already by that point, just without the license."

Hilda grimaced, "Eesh, sounds rough," she gave me a sympathetic look, before shaking her head, "What about your starter? What kind of pokemon did you manage to wrangle?" she changed the subject.

"It was this Snivy I found outside the city," I shrugged continuing my story, "It was a little pain in the ass, but it agreed to work with me as long as I fed it and made it strong. Not that it did any good, since I wasn't even in Kanto for half a day before I got jumped by those Team Rocket goons and they stole it from me."

"Wait, what!?" Hilda's eyes widened, "That criminal gang that's always stealing pokemon over here? Did they hurt you?" the fluffy brown haired girl skidded to a stop, and she looked me over worriedly, as if i'd still be hurt or something from something that would have happened weeks ago.

"I was fine," I rolled my eyes, even as she prodded at me. I'm not exactly gonna push off a hot older girl fussing over me, "I kicked one of their asses, and then they made a get away with a Koffing using smokescreen and jumped into a hot air balloon and took off."

She sighed in relief and ruffled my hair, "Good that you're okay at least," she smiled, "If I run into any of those guys, I'm gonna get Emboar to smash them into paste with Heat Crash."

"You do that," I smirked at her, then grabbing her hand that was still resting on me, "But if you keep feeling me up like this without permission, It's only fair I get to do the same to you."

She poked me on the forehead a second later with two fingers and tried to push me back a little, though surprisingly, it was her that ended up taking a little step back when I Pushed against her fingers lightly with my head.

Hilda looked confused herself for a second at the result, and I was too. But she smothered it quickly with a grin as she extracted her hand from mine and stood just out of arm's reach, "You're a little cutie, but nice try," she snorted, "Besides, not like you were complaining."

I did not deny that.

She shook her head in amusement, and started walking backwards again, "So, how'd you continue as a trainer then if your starter got stolen?" she asked, eyebrows raised in interest.

"I punched a Pidgey and while it was distracted, balled it," I deadpanned, "Pidgey, he's a Pidgeotto now, liked the guts I showed and decided to stick around, and we've been pretty tight ever since." even though that was only two weeks ago.

Hilda looked at me funnily for a moment before bursting out into laughter, "You punched it? That's amazing!" she said between guffaws that did amazing things to large breasts, they jiggled really nicely.

It took her a few moments to get her laughter under control and she even almost tripped backwards, and would have if I didn't catch her by the hand, in one of mine and keep her upright. I'm surprised how light she is, I feel like no strain holding up her entire body weight with one hand.

"Thanks," she chuckled a little bit more before wiping a tear of mirth from her eye and shaking her head, "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. With how bold you are, it's like you have more balls than brains, which is impressive in of itself considering how smart you'd need to be to pass the trainer exams at your age."

I helped her back to her feet and let go of her hand, then wiggled my eyebrows at her, "Well you're not wrong, I can give you an up close and personal view of them if you want just so you can confirm," I flirted, "For science, you know?"

"You have no shame at all do you?" Hilda quirked her lips in a smile of amusement, "I'll make sure to keep your 'generous' offer in mind, but I'm good, thanks."

"Well, the offer's always open for you." I grinned.

She shook her head again and we continued on. Now that the joking flirting had been put a rest to for now, she started walking normally, forward that is, by my side. After a few moments of silence though, she looked up into the sky and sighed, "So a Snivy huh?" she mused, almost forlornly.

"Yup." I answered simply, no idea why she's bringing it up.

"...I can relate," Hilda said, after a few moments of silence, "I've got a Snivy too."

"You do?" I asked in interest. Before, when she was introducing herself, she only told me she had four pokemon. Heatmor, Duosion, Vullaby and Fraxure. I was super jealous when I heard she had a Fraxure. Haxorus are fucking boss.

"Mmm, I caught her just outside Striaton City, just after I got my fifth badge," she continued, before releasing a deep sigh and slumping slightly, "She's a really tough little thing, but she barely listens to me at all. I don't think she's happy that I'm not planning to shoot for the top as a trainer and I'm only one to earn enough money to open my studio."

She shook her head, "And I got all excited when I first caught her too," Hilda grumbled, "My cousin Rosa's Serperior is absolutely gorgeous, and I thought one of them would look amazing during a movie."

Huh. Interesting. Not just the Snivy, but that Rosa is here in this world as well. I wonder how her ass compares to Hilda's? The two of them were definitely the ones with the most ass fan art between the pokemon girls.

..Fuck, I wonder what kind of ass Skyla is packing?

It didn't take us long to reach the Cerulean Gym, and thankfully, there weren't any challenges today according to the secretary at the front desk. So I was allowed to book my challenge straight away and was led straight in towards the main area.

Compared to the rustic rock gym back in Pewter, the Cerulean City Gym was pristine, with stylish and futuristic hallways, and gleaming blue tiled flooring everywhere in the building.

We were led out to a massive pool area, where various pokemon swam through the water, and sat atop multiple floating circular white platforms. The joyous sounds they made, brought a smile to my face. There was tons of them. Horsea, Seadra, Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, Seaking, Magikarp and more.

At the side of the pool, there was a familiar trio of exotically haired coloured women, dressed in skimpy one piece swimsuits.

Tall, voluptuous and beautiful. Misty wasn't the only hot piece of ass in this family. Though I think she has more charm than her sisters, besides the pink haired Lily personally.

"Ladies!" The secretary called out to the three beautiful sisters, "You have a challenger!"

I saw the blue haired one, Violet if I remember right roll her eyes, "Ugh, like, another one?" she groaned, "I'm like, totally out, I'm exhausted."

Daisy, the blonde and oldest sister just shook her head and stood up, "Thanks Elaine," she nodded to the secretary, "Why don't you take a break? One of us will ref for now, you've been working hard all day."

The secretary, Elaine apparently smiled brightly, "I'll do that, thank you," she bowed her head lightly to the oldest sister and then made her way back the way she came, "Good luck." she wished me as she passed.

"You want to take this one Lily?" Daisy asked the pink haired girl, "My pokemon are still recovering from the gym battle earlier." she said, and her eyes roamed over to land on Hilda standing at my side.

The youngest of the three, only older than Misty shrugged, "Sure, no prob sis," she jumped up from her seat with a perky gusto and made her way over towards her, "Heya little cutie! I assume it's you here for a gym battle? Bit young though aren't you?" she greeted me with a wink.

I made sure not to stare at her chest. But only barely managed it, because god damn was she stacked. Violet looks slender, while Daisy has pretty nicely even proportions. Lily meanwhile has some hips and legs, but her chest is definitely the thing that draws most attention besides her hair. She's like an inversed Misty.

"Well it's not me, I already won my badge from here earlier," Hilda grinned at Daisy and the blonde sister only rolled her eyes. She then pat me on the back, "But I wouldn't underestimate this kid just because he's so young, he's definitely got the balls to back up the swagger of his."

"It's usually hype MAN. Girls are more the fluffer type," I sniped and Hilda muttered a quick 'you wish', as I turned my attention to Lily, "And yeah, I'm here for a gym badge."

"Well, I like the confidence little man," Lily giggled, "How does a two on two sound then?"

I shrugged, "Fine with me." I'd have preferred a three on three, to let all three of my current team that actually fought, who hadn't experienced a gym battle get the chance to. But, oh well.

"Alright then, take a spot there okay?" she pointed at the age of the pool, where noticed there was a box marked out on the tiled floor, presumably for a challenger to stand in. She then whistled to the many pokemon in the pool and directed them away. In moments, they ducked underneath the water and disappeared.

Honestly, this place was filled with tons of giant rooms with swimming pool. Odds were, they could all function as a battle field if desired.

"I'll just take a seat over there kay?" Hilda said, pointing at the bench where the two other sisters were at. "Good luck."

"What, no good luck kiss?" I teased.

She raised a brow at me, "You know most girls don't really like persistent guys." she pointed out.

"Tell me to stop and I will." I fired back.

"I didn't say I was most girls, now did I?" Hilda grinned back, and then raised her finger and kissed it, before poking me on the forehead, "How's that?"

"It'll do for now." I teased right back.

"Well it's all you're getting for a long while, if ever." the older Unovan girl tilted her chin up at me and looked down over her nose at me a tauntingly, before turning on her heel and making her way over to Misty's other two sisters.

I had to resist the urge to bite my fist as she walked away. She was definitely wiggling those hips of hers, and with how little of her big, round ass was covered, it was a primo view. Like half of her cheeks were left in plain view for me.

She was putting on a show, she had to be. 'Shit man, are kids my age as trainers really that impressive?' I wondered. All these older girls are totally receptive to me flirting with them, despite the fact that Misty was the youngest one I'd hit on at all and she was still sixteen to my twelve.

Or is it just something I'm not getting about the culture? I know I'm legal apparently, that was one of the first things I looked into. But, even then, it shouldn't be this, well not easy, but casually taken.

"Okay, will you referee Daisy?" Lily calling out snapped me from my attention from Hilda's hypnotising badonkadonk.

"Sure thing little sis." Daisy replied, making her way up to a booth raised up in the stands surrounding the swimming booth. As she made her way up, I noticed her eyeing me with a grin on her face.

She totally caught me checking out Hilda.

I turned away from her, and looked to Lily who had taken up a spot on the other side of the massive pool from me.

"Alright then, This will be a gym battle between Lily Waterflower of the Cerulean City Gym and..." Daisy trailed of, and I looked up to see her blink in confusion before thudding her head gently with her knuckles, "Ooops, I forgot to get your name, teehee." she stuck out her tongue cutely.

...What the fuck is that? I've never seen someone actually do that seriously. Is that a thing in this world?

"Jord Odhar, from Viridian City." I rolled my eyes and I saw Hilda look at me in confusion at what I said. Ah, I didn't tell her I officially took up residency as a member of Viridian City did I?

"Right, and Jord Odhar of Viridian City!" Daisy continued on without missing a beat, "This will be a two on two battle, and only the challenger can substitute pokemon, begin!"

"Alright, since I'm the Gym Leader, I'll be sending out my pokemon first," Lily grinned, and then actually reached in between her breasts, and pulled out a shrunken pokeball Hot, but what the fuck? How the hell didn't that fall out? "Come on out, Dewgong!"

In a burst of bright light, a massive slipper skinned white Dewgong landed on one of the platforms in front of her in the pool. Jeez, it was way bigger than I realised one would be. It had to be good six or so feet or more long, and the horn on its head was about half the length of my forearm.

'Dewgong huh?' I mused, eyeing the thick and heavy looking water type. Yes, a water type, but also, an ice type.

I grabbed one of the pokeballs from my belt and enlarged it, "You're up Raticate!"

In a flash of similar light, the fully evolved form of the third pokemon I captured appeared, "Rata!" he shouted loudly as he landed on the platform in front of me, lowering himself down and preparing to move at a moments notice


"So what's with the kid?" Violet asked as Hilda sat down beside her, "Not the kind of company I'd expect from a girl like you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" The brunette Unovan asked with a frown.

Violet shrugged, "You're a total dime, and a movie star on top of that," the blue haired sister replied, "Guys probably line up to try and hang out with you, yet here you are with some cocky kid trying to play in leagues way above his level."

"You think so?" Hilda mused, while yes it was true that guys constantly hit on her and invited her to travel with them, she wasn't so sure the kid was batting out of his league, "I'm not so certain, there's something about him that's different, special, I feel like he's gonna go places."

Violet rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me you think he's gonna go far because of how young he is?" she snorted, crossing her arms over her chest, "Like, let me tell you girl, kids like that pop up now and then, most of them never get anywhere."

"What about Lance Wataru, or Steven Stone?" Hilda asked in curiosity, those two were known for being young prodigies that started early as well, and both were within the top five trainers of the world, hell, Lance was the current reigning strongest trainer in the world.

An even stronger snort left Violet's nostrils, followed by a scoff, "You're kidding right? Lance was raised the heir to the Wataru clan, the foremost experts on dragon type Pokemon in the world, and Steven is the heir to the Devon Corporation, they had all the training and resources they could need, they're born winners, absolutely rich hunks," she jutted her chin out at the boy facing off against her pink haired younger sister, "Who's this runt? Never heard of an Odhar family, and look at his pokemon, a freaking Raticate, are you kidding me? He'll be a loser wash out just like all the-"

She was cut off. Not by Hilda, no. But by a massive boom. The Raticate blurred forward at a word from its young trainer, crossing the distance between it and Dewgong's platforms in all but the time it took to blink a few times, one glowing foot planted deeply into the blubber of the Dewgong's lower body, the impact was so powerful, small waves blasted in both directions of the swimming pool away from the platform they were on, and the platform itself crunched audibly and split down the middle. Dewgong letting loose a loud groan of pain before it was launched beneath the water as Raticate lashed out with a second glowing foot and nailed it in the face, using the force to launch itself back through the air and land on another platform.

"You were saying?" Hilda asked, fighting off a massive grin as she looked at the open mouthed, gaping form of Violet. Honestly, she was surprised as hell herself, she wasn't expecting a Raticate of all things to pack that much speed, or strength.

Her eyes landed on the kid who'd been shamelessly flirting with her since they met as he pumped his fist and praised the Raticate.

'Yeah there's definitely something about him.' she nodded to herself. He claimed he had only been a trainer for a little over two weeks now. And she had two specimens of his pokemon to draw analysis from. His Beedrill, which easily defeated the Charmander that beat her Vullaby with ease, and now a seeming monster of a Raticate.

Violet was right about guys lining up for her. But, it wouldn't be long, if Jord kept up a pace like he was, before word got out about him, and girls would be lining up for him. Those with the potential to reach the top of the trainer circuit, were widely regarded. They were after all, the main protectors of the entire world, the superpowers that kept wars from breaking out and the main line of defence should forces of nature like legendary pokemon go out of control. Power and riches were practically their right.

Dewgong burst out from the water a moment later, there was a deep purple bruising forming over its upper torso, and one on its head too, with a bellow, it opened its mouth at a command from Lily, a trio of massive icy blue jagged beams lancing through the air towards Raticate's position.

A glow suffused Raticate's body, before once again, it disappeared in a blur of speed, easily dodging the Ice Beam. Then, it appeared again, at the side of Dewgong, and spat out a much smaller trio of icy blue jagged beams. They pierced the water around Dewgong, and in moments, it froze around the water and ice type, freezing it in place. Trapping it.

Lily called for a Hydro Pump, and Dewgong showing how well trained it was, didn't panic and obeyed, firing a massive, highly compressed jet of water at Raticate, but again, it dodged with blinding speed using Quick Attack, getting to safety on another platform. Which seemed to be Lily's plan, since then Dewgong redirected its head downwards and kept up the Hydro Pump, blowing away the ice around its body.

A good plan, just not quick enough as Jord called for Focus Energy and then Iron Tail. Raticate practically exploded forward propelling itself through the air as with Quick Attack as its body began glowing red and its tail shone with a metallic silver light.

A massive tower of water thundered into the air, over thirty feet high as Raticate slammed a massively momentum enhanced Iron Tail into Dewgong's back before it could escape.

Hilda pulled her hat down over her eyes as the tower of water rained down everywhere, even over her and Violet from where they sat quite a bit away from the battle field. When the spray cleared, Dewgong was laying limp in the water, unresponsive, while Raticate happily bounced between the platforms and jumped into Jord arms who happily and surprisingly easily caught it, and held it up, spinning it around, celebrating and praising the normal type.

'I definitely made the right choice.' Hilda nodded to herself, a grin forming on her face. Lily was who she battled for her Cascade Badge. She had faced the girl in a three on three. Using her Duosion, Snivy and Emboar, against Lily's Prinplup, Seaking and Dewgong. Emboar had managed to defeat Prinplup and Seaking before going down to Dewgong, who then defeated her Duosion as well and almost took down her Snivy with that monstrously powerful Ice Beam of theirs.

If Jord really was of the same make, like Lance and Steven, then sheer fame and publicity her studio would get if she was the main go to for interviews and such with him, would literally put White Studios on the map! She didn't even have a main building or company really at this point, but it would still put her on the map. That was just how much love the people had for their Champions and Elite Four and such.

Champions were named Champions for a reason. They were the people's champions after all.


Lily's next pokemon put up a much better fight. Her Azumarill while not as physically defensive as her Dewgong, was much faster with Aqua Jet and much more physically powerful.

Raticate was still faster, but Azumarill had the edge in strength. The majority of the battle between the two rodent pokemon of differing types was more of one of endurance and hit and run tactics with both pokemon attacking full on with incredibly powerful physical displays.

Raticate ended up losing the exchange. It was indeed a very impressive specimen of a Pokemon, but it was young, and had only been with Jord for two weeks, and while it was faster and landed more hits, Azumarill's superior physical power, mostly thanks to its ability Huge Power and experience, on top of having the advantage of the water battlefield was what allowed for it to come out the victor.

It couldn't be said though, that Raticate didn't make Azumarill work for its win. In the process it had taken three Iron Tails, two Jump Kick's and just as Azumarill finished with an Aqua Jet enhanced Seismic Toss after a Play Rough, Raticate got one last attack in, a powerful Hyper Fang that gouged a chunk out of Azumarill's side despite its thickly powerful and muscular blubber.

It was certainly a tenacious pokemon. And by all accounts, a monster of its species from what Hilda could tell. Rattata and Raticate after all were more kept as pet pokemon rather than battlers.

Jord's next pokemon was Beedrill, so sadly Hilda didn't get to see any of his other pokemon in action. But with Azumarill as injured as it was, it didn't battle on for long anyway. It couldn't retreat to the water because of Beedrill using Toxic Spikes to poison the entire water arena. And with how high Beedrill could stay in the air and bombarb Azumarill, it forced the water and fairy type to take the fight to the air using Aqua Jet.

And once again, Hilda was astounded by the sheer speed of Jord's pokemon, with Agility, she could barely even see a blur as it moved around, almost as fast as the Raticate, but with the ability to fly as well and move in any direction it pleased. It ran circles around the wounded Azumarill, steadily draining its energy with Mega Drain, and when Azumarill's fatigue caught up with it, Jord ordered Beedrill in for the kill with a barrage of poison sting attacks from its massive lance arms.

And then Azumarill was down and it was over. Jord was the winner, and he got his second badge.

'His second badge in two weeks.' Hilda shook her head as Lily, acting in the capacity as the Gym Leader for this battle, gave him the Cascade Badge. 'I took an entire year and could only get six.' admittedly, she had gotten those six within seven months, and failed to get any more because of the monstrous gym leaders that made up the remaining four gyms she could challenge, but still.

She looked over and nearly rolled her eyes as Violet happily congratulated Jord and gave him a kiss on the cheek while Daisy laughed. 'Ugh, how shallow.' the brown haired girl sighed. It was almost sad how quickly Violet changed her tune when he showed off what he was capable of.

But then, people were drawn to the truly talented. Really, if she was content to stand at the side, she wouldn't be surprised if he was balls deep in Violet by tonight. 'Then again, I can't really complain, I'm not much different.' she thought.

Well, Hilda wasn't planning on letting the kid bed her just to get further in life or get an in with him, but she was using him, and she knew the only reason he was content to let her ask all she wanted, was because of how hot she was. That might change in the future, since she did generally like the boy, he was funny in a way that just amused her, and while his eyes were constantly on her tits and ass, she didn't mind, she had it and flaunted it for a reason.

..Still. It was a bit of a bitch move, 'But I saw him first.' Hilda decided, making her way over just as Daisy handed the boy a TM disc.

"Congrats on the win, that was quite the battle." she praised him, genuinely. She was really impressed by him and his pokemon, that was no lie. He turned to her, and as usual, his eyes went to her tits before her eyes, though his eyes widened slightly for a split moment before he looked her in the eyes.

Violet sent her a frown as she took his attention, but she ignored the blue haired woman.

"Thanks," he grinned widely, "It was a good battle, and the rewards I've gotten from it have been amazing."

"Like, you were totally amazing," Violet gushed, touching his shoulder with a dainty hand, and crossing one arm under her substantial bust, drawing eyes to them, "You're totally like Lance when he was your age!"

Jord's grin widened at the praise, and his eyes flickered to Violet's chest.

Before he could get drawn into Violet's little gold digging web, Hilda reached out and placed a hand on his other shoulder, "We should get going then," she said, "You wanted to see about getting your carry limit extended after you got your second gym badge, right?"

She saw him hesitate, his eyes flickering to Violet. 'Yeah, he knows.' she realised. He knew Violet was sucking up to him, how he caught on so fast she didn't know. If that was the case, he had to know that she wasn't the same, she wanted the rights to interview him and document his rise as a trainer, but she wasn't going to fuck him to do so. She just wasn't that type of girl.

She was just about to choke things up as a loss with him for now, when he pulled his eyes away from Violet and sighed, regretfully. "Yeah, you're right," he nodded, "I've not really bonded with my other pokemon since I caught them, the quicker I do it the better."

Hilda's eyes widened, 'What?' she was confused as Jord bid the three gym leaders of Cerulean goodbye, reluctantly in Violet's case, and the bluenette totally glared at her over the boys head when he turned away from.

With how blatantly horny he was, she was sure he would be all over Violet.

They walked in silence as they left the room with the swimming pool behind, and only when they left the Gym itself behind and stepped outside, did Hilda speak up, "So, I'm surprised you didn't blow me off and hung out with Violet," she spoke up, "She was basically all but opening her legs and telling you to have fun."

He snorted, "Oh, if you weren't so clearly against it, I would have taken her up on it and bent her over," he turned and smirked at her, "You should be glad I'm such a good friend."

Despite herself, Hilda laughed a little bit, that confidence was something else, "So we're friends are we?" she wiggled her eyebrows at him teasingly, "And this isn't because you want to bed me as well?"

"Well, partly, your way hotter than Violet," he fired back casually, shamelessly, "But yeah, I'd say we're friends at least, or I hope we are, just because we're friends now doesn't mean it can't be something else later."

How sweet, and yes, she had begun to consider them new friends, it was easy to talk to him, and in a way she felt like she could be however she wanted to be, with no airs without him having anyway problems at all, but, "I'm not planning on sleeping with you just because you're gonna go to the top as a trainer." Hilda told the younger boy up front.

He snorted, "Obviously, if you were planning on buttering me up like that, we'd have never gotten to the gym today," he blatantly eyed her body from the side, "And you'd be face down, ass up right now and screaming my name."

Hilda felt her face heat up, and her stomach fluttered at the blatant upfront admission. Again, that confidence was something else, 'kids his age shouldn't be that blatantly confident,' she gaped a bit, still, she smiled teasingly at him, "Oh? You seem sure of that." she wasn't inexperienced, she'd had a few flings here and there, and out of them all, only one had actually brought her to completion.

"Obviously, I wouldn't boast like that if I wasn't confident I could do it, that would just be fucking stupid," he scoffed, before smirking again, "Let me put it like this lass, I'm no little soy boy virgin."

'..Oh!' Hilda's eyes widened. Well, then, that actually explained a lot. His confidence as a trainer was one thing, but his confidence with girls was another. And the answer to that confidence, was again the answer he gave about why he was so confident as a trainer, experience.

"Besides," Jord continued, and Hilda rolled her eyes as his gaze dropped down to her chest again, "This consolation prize is almost just as good as railing Violet."

What? Hilda on instinct followed his gaze and her eyes widened. Because, she had forgotten about one simple thing when she was in that gym while he battled. She was wearing a small, tight white shirt, with nothing else underneath it. And she had gotten quite soaked from all the water flying around.

A lot of it had dried in, but it was still wet enough that most of her large breasts could be seen through the fabric, and the pink of her nipples were clear in view.

"You little shit," she shook her head, she wasn't really embarrassed, she was an actress previously before and while never having went topless, had showed off in a few bikini's and such, "You couldn't have told me?"

He tilted his chin at her, defiantly, the grin still on his face, "I was enjoying the view." he chuckled.

Hilda shook her head, despite the situation, she was amused. 'I suppose he deserves it,' she thought, "Alright, since I cock blocked you, you can have a good look." she stopped and puffed her chest out, letting the damp top cling tightly to her large breasts.

"Really?" he asked, arching his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah, You can stare as much as you want right now, so I can make it up to you for forcing you to pick me over Violet," Hilda reassured, it would also let her get rid of the guilt she felt about it, "Just give me your jacket to throw on before we run into anybody else, I'm fine giving you a little show right here and now, but I'm not planning on giving everyone else one."

His grin grew to almost shit eating proportions, "Yeah, I totally made the right choice here." Jord replied, his feasting on her breasts hungrily, even as he started pulling off the hoodie he was wearing.

Hilda's eyes widened lightly as he did. He was only wearing a tank top underneath it, and while she couldn't really see much, she could see his arms. Kids his age should not have biceps that big and muscular. No wonder he could carry his Raticate and hold her up so easily!

She swallowed, "Yes you did." Hilda agreed with him. As she accepted the hoodie from him, she couldn't help, that her thoughts wondered, 'Face down, ass up huh?' It was a good thing she wasn't that type of girl, because at this point, she actually believed him.

If nothing else, Rosa was probably really gonna like him when they met. Her competitive nature would bounce off of him really well.



Ah... the joys of having my email alerts on...