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So, for the longest time I've been having people asking just where exactly Madara stands on the Systematic Shinobi scale, and how far Daiki truly would have to go to match him. so, I'll give a rough estimate for the Madara who was resurrected in the 4th Shinobi war, and then without his eyes proceeded to decimate Naruto, Gaara, Sasuke and the 9 Bijuu all at once. So this is him, without his Rinnegan, and before becoming Six Paths Madara.

Name: Madara Uchiha
Age: ?
Chakra Capacity: 50,000,000
Strength: 810
Endurance: 825
Durability: 830
Agility: 850
Taijutsu: 500/500
Ninjutsu: 500/500
Genjutsu: 465/500
Bukijutsu: 500/500
Chakra Control: 475/500



Holy shit!?! How is daichi, supposed to catch up to him charka capacity? There might be a small chance he might be able to do so in primary stats but otherwise.... jesus.

Christian Pena

Goddamn, he really is the final boss Well, he was supposed to be the final boss if I know this story you’re gonna let kaguya be summoned then turn her into your broodmare