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"That was mean." the beautiful older hero girl, Nejire pointed out as he caught Ochako.

A simple brush of his fingers over hers when putting the money in her hand, was all he needed for Overhaul to render her unconscious.

Honestly, the quirk was almost stupidly overpowered in the hands of a non buffoon like himself.

Even Ryukyu couldn't provide any resistance against it in her dragon form. Though Mirko had put up a tiny bit after he gave her aura.

"A little bit." Daiki replied in amusement as he held Ochako in his arms for a moment, feeling her pressing up against him in that skin tight outfit of hers.

It was honestly a little surreal to him how exactly alike she looked in comparison to the other Ochako back in his world, even having the same name and kind of the same personality.

…The personal shit he mostly made up though. Funnily enough, despite the fact she knew he could read minds, she didn't seem to think he was doing it to her at all during their entire conversation.

Was it mean of him to gaslight her like that into thinking her future self basically went to his world to more or less seduce him? And that her feelings for that Deku idiot would never be returned properly, and that he'd die uselessly? Probably.

But fuck that guy, she looked incredibly good in that hero outfit. He could see every curve, every contour of her body. Wide hips, large breasts. Juicy, meaty thick thighs and a bubbly round ass that just did not quit.

That was why he decided to pay off that debt, literally.

He'd stuffed ten million yen into her hands before rendering her unconscious. Well for the gaslighting-

And stealing a little bit of her quirk factor just as he had Ryukyu, though he'd already fixed both of their quirk factors while he was at it.

Besides technically, he didn't lie about everything. The Ochako of his world did take his virginity.

His lips virginity!

"I'm surprised to be honest," Daiki hummed as he lay the girl down beside the unconscious dragonified Ryukyu after removing his foot from the transformed woman's neck, "That you didn't try and get me off of Ryukyu."

"Mmm, couldn't," Nejire wound her arms around and continued smiling at him, "You were too close for me to do anything, I'd just have hit Ryukyu and Uravity-chan if I tried, I was waiting for an opportunity when you lowered your guard, but you never did despite how casual you were."

Hoh, she noticed huh?

Well, it was less he hadn't lowered his guard and more the amount of guard he had to keep up around the people of this world was drastically low.

The beautiful blue haired girl began bouncing on her feet, yellow energy spiralling around her as she did, "So then you don't want to have sex then?" she asked, preparing for a fight.

She was supposed to be an airhead, but she was incredibly intuitive.

And blunt.

Honestly she was really interesting as well. Not to mention, gorgeous and stacked like hell.

She had a beautiful, soft shaped face with glimmering deep blue eyes, and long pale blue hair that was long enough to drape down below her backside in a shimmering curtain. And her body? Absolutely insane, she beat out Mirko in a few areas and overall rivalled her.

Like both Ochako and Mirko she had wide grabbable hips. She was taller than either of those two, with long toned legs that her blue and green spandex outfit showed off deliciously. Her ass wasn't quite as big as either Mirko or Ochako's, but it was still sizeable and toned, jutting out like a shelf from her costume back.

And of course her tits were massive. Bigger than her head and could give Mirajane a run for her money in sheer size. Hell he could see the indents of two small, perky little nipples poking out from her hero suit that was how skin tight it was.

'Honestly what is with this world?' Daiki had to wonder. Putting aside Eri who was a child, all the chicks he'd seen so far in this world were not only gorgeous, but stacked like hell.

At least as far as the heroes went.

Even Ryukyu was stacked.

Honestly he couldn't say who the best girl he'd saw so far in this world was. In raw sex appeal, he would probably say Mirko. But Ochako had a wholesome attractiveness paired with a killer shortstack body.

And Nejire was gorgeous with exotic and beautiful hair, paired with a body of absolute dynamite.

Honestly in pure beauty, the only woman he'd seen who might eclipse Nejire was Mirajane.

Which meant the obvious answer was-

"I didn't say that," he replied to her question, stepping away from Ryukyu and Ochako, causing her smile to widen and nod at him happily, "You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, maybe thee most. So I definitely do."

"Oh well thank you," Nejire giggled even as she prepared to attack at a moments notice while he walked towards her, and stopped right in front of the older girl, "Not enough to delay you like Mirko did though, huh?" she noted, and boldly reached up to press her palms flat against his chest, yellow energy whirling around her arms.

And then she groped his chest, "Wow your pecs are massive, and so hard too!" she marvelled, feeling him up.

Daiki had to admit, he was a little bemused at her actions. She was ready to blast him in a split moment if she got the chance or he made any threatening movements…and groping him at the same time.

"Well to be fair, if I came across you first before Mirko, I'd probably be doing the same to her if she was in your place now," Daiki noted. Well, with less conversation because she'd be busy breaking her bones on his face like a maniac, but still, "But I've got something I need to do for a friend, so even though I want to toss you over my shoulder and run off with you caveman style, that'll have to wait."

"Well that's a shame," Nejire pouted, "But I suppose if it's for a friend I can't blame you."

And continued to grope him, one hand casually trailing down to grope at his abs and making the older girl whistle, "Wow I could probably break a hammer swinging it at these!" she giggled.

Maybe he wasn't the one that should ever say it considering what he got up to, but wow did this girl have no concept of personal space.

Still, considering she was groping him it was only fair if he returned the favour right?

Bringing his hand up, he cupped one of her huge breasts and marvelled at not only the soft plumpness of it, but the sheer weight, "Damn, these are really heavy."

And that was coming from a guy who was wearing multiple thousands of tons right now.

"Ah~" Nejire gave a little giggly moan as he squeezed her breast, "Yeah, they're pretty big right? My friend is super jealous sometimes about it. Guess how big they are! Guess how big they are!"

Daiki blinked, before snorting, "I dunno, E-cup?" he guessed.

"Nope, not even close!" Nejire laughed and proudly puffed out her substantial chest, pushing her breast even deeper into his grasp, "I'm a 36 G-cup!" she boasted.

"Amazing." he praised her honestly.

What else needed to be said on that note? That was truly a pair of tits that held the hopes and dreams of all mankind.

As such he should totally steal them for himself.

And get her to wrap them around his cock.

"Right, right!" she laughed, "So did feeling me up change your mind?"

"Unfortunately not," Daiki laughed with her, "How about we go on a date as well though once everything has calmed down?"

He could come back anytime after all. And once he got Derfligner his fight, he would definitely come back to claim this babe.

'Honestly Derf, you should be grateful you have such a great guy as your partner.' Daiki noted inwardly.

'…I mean I think I've been a great partner as well, I've been keeping quiet and not saying anything while you playing around with everyone here partner.' Derflinger replied.

True, true.

He was the best sword indeed. The best sword a guy could ask for really.

'Aw shucks partner, now I feel bad,' the sword replied, 'I can wait a little longer if you want to play around with this blue haired girly.'

Tempting, but no.

He'd just have to bury his face in Nejire's massive soft tits later.

"Well, that's disappointing," Nejire's pout returned, "I'm gonna have to attack you now to try and stop you."

"That's fine, I won't hold it against you," Daiki assured her, even though ironically she was one of the few people in this world who had the ability to arm him, "I will however hold you against me later, after that date if you're interested. And I'm gonna have to spank you if you attack me."

Nejire just laughed, "Okay." she replied and nodded once, and then her hand groping his chest flared out, palm facing upwards his chin, "Nejire Flood!" she declared, and bright yellow exploded into existence.

An absolutely massive spiralling wave of energy from her palm aimed for his chin.

Her quirk according to Deku was called Wave, and was an energy quirk that made spiralling waves of energy that consumed her stamina.

It was basically a less potent, but far larger and more widespread variation of the Rasengan.

And would allow her to ignore physical durability of a target and strike their insides just like the Rasengan could.

The golden spirals hit nothing but air, washing up into the sky and missing Daiki completely.

"Again, not a bad try." he praised Nejire from where he was now, directly behind her.

He was just simply too fast even with all his weights weighing him down for her, or anyone in this world really to hit.

"Mou." Nejire pouted, and didn't even try to turn around and dodge as his hand came out and spanked her across her juicy round ass, "Ah~!" she did jump in place though and turned to him, pout more pronounced, only for her eyes to widen as Daiki leaned forward when she did and pecked her on the lips.

"See you later Nejire, figure out where you want to go on a date," he winked, "Anywhere you want."

And then there was a flash of red, like the flickering of a red bulb.

And he was gone, leaving Nejire alone on the rooftop with three unconscious lady heroes.

Daiki after all, hadn't just been playing around. He'd long since sent a clone off to infiltrate Tartarus while he was flirting.


Daiki found himself appearing just a moment later in the depths of a massive hallway, over fifty feet wide and multiple hundred feet high. The walls were a blinding white and made of thick multiple layered steel plate.

Tens of dozens of massive titanium cell doors lined the walls around him, but Daiki's interest was only on one specific door, at the very end of the massive hallway.

"Now then let's take care of this buffoon." Daiki hummed to himself, with a grin. See, he'd had a thought.

All these heroes were putting up such a struggle and clambering to mount a defence just to stop him from getting to All For One and killing him. He'd originally planned on kicking their asses and walking through them, and doing it with them powerless to stop him.

But he'd had a funnier idea while he was railing Mirko cross eyed. Why not just kill him without them able to do a single thing? Not even be able to try and face off against him in the first place, never mind stop him.

And then he could kick their asses afterwards and show them it was all entirely futile.

…It would also be quicker and let him say, put everything to rest faster and get to go seek out Nejire earlier than the other way.

With a whistle on his lips, Daiki walked over to the massive titanium gate blocking off the cell to All For One's prison cell and grabbed it.

Then with a great, groaning rumble he tore it straight off the front with his bare hand and tossed it aside like a piece of a paper, and not a massive metal gate weighing dozens of tons that made the entire room shake and sound off like a country wide ringing gong.

"Hello, All For One." Daiki smirked as he beheld the man within the cell. A faceless human man geared up in a full body gimp suit.

Sorry…straight jacket.

And bound tightly to a wide backed metal chair, within a wide steel plated room, multiple guns trained on him.

His faceless head perked up and the area where his eyes should have been trained on Daiki, "Well now, are you the one that all the fuss has been made for?" he grinned, pure amusement wafting off him, "Are you here to break me out I wonder? Honestly it's so hard to figure out what's going on out there, I- What are you doing?"

His amusement cut off into a frown as Daiki walked over and grabbed him by the top of his head.

And then he activated Overhaul and reached deep within the greatest villain this world had ever seen.

"What are you…no!" the amusement turned quickly to panic as Daiki grabbed on to the mans quirk factor with Overhaul. He felt a feeble resistance as he pulled on the mans quirk, like he was trying to pull back with his own and his sheer will, but it was like a single dainty little string holding a piece of meat back from a Megalodon Shark, and it broke instantly, "You bastard, you can't do this to me! Do you have any idea who you're mess-!"

All For One was cut off.

Not by his mouth being shut, or Daiki talking over him or anything like that. No, he was cut off by the simple fact that once Daiki yoinked his quirk out of him.

He was no longer useful to Daiki.

And it was hard to talk when your entire body suddenly erupted into a fountain of gore and exploded all over the walls like chunky salsa.


Was gonna do Jordinio Version today but was blanking on it a lil bit, so decided to just hammer this out so I got something done at least instead of procrastinating.


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.

God of Wind 200

That’s pretty much the only thin MHA is good for the hot women that’s it everything you can just destroy hell if you go to a dragon ball or world with advanced technology you should come back and turn this whole world into a farming and resource for the hidden leaf


honestly i cant even argue with that, the mha world is so dumbed down for modern audiences its ridiculous