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Bringer Light was the high speed movement technique of fullbringers. Their answer to the Hirenkykaku of the Quincy, the Shunpo of the Shinigami and the Sonido of the hollows.

The application of it differed quite thoroughly from them however. Beyond their fullbring itself, fullbringers had truly only access to one ability. Manipulating the souls found in objects, and even the air.

Bringer Light was used through multiple applications of that ability. Manipulating the souls of the wind behind the user to push them forward. Manipulating the souls in the wind around them to decrease drag and allow the user to speed up even more. Manipulating the souls of the wind or whatever else was beneath the user to create platforms to move on. And manipulating the souls of the wind in front of the user to clear the way.

On paper it sounded incredibly complicated.

In practice, it wasn't actually all that hard. For the most part, it was purely instinctual.

Green light sparked around Yukio's legs as he blurred out of view, avoiding a hail of gunfire that tore through the air he was previously standing atop.

He was currently within a wide open rocky plain, surrounded on all sides by robots of his own creation, each one armed with high power gatling guns, missile launchers and more.

Not to mention-

A roar split the air as he landed out of the way of the gunfire, a massive titanic humanoid beast launching itself towards him, a gigantic fist multiple times larger than he was tall smashing down at him.

It hit nothing but air.


'Heh.' Yukio smirked at the wall of air blocking the titanic fist from reaching him. He had manipulated the souls within the air to form a shield. He twisted his hand, green light flashing through the air blocking the fist and the tightly packed air shield surged up into a swirling vortex of wind that slammed into the massive humanoid beast and tore it up into the air, high into the sky and sent it flying off into the distance.

It would have quite the painful fall, especially considering this whole area was currently under ten times normal gravity.

He didn't have time to admire his handiwork and robots rushed him from each side, missiles firing and bullets shooting forth.

He flexed his hands out, green light illuminating the ground before it swelled up around him, forming a protective dome that shielded him from the ammunition

And then he flexed his hands again and the dome exploded outwards in a rain of spiritually enhanced debris chunks that smashed into the group of robots around him and crushed them.

'Ginjo and the others are idiots.' Yukio decided. While the range was somewhat limited, fullbringers through their ability to manipulate the souls in all things, had near full command of their surroundings to do their bidding, and had full access to a form of tactile telekinesis.

And yet, despite knowing how to use the ability, they simply didn't. It was absolute buffoonery.

He shook his head, "Computer simulate melee combat droids, Myriad weapon mode." he ordered allowed, and pumped a large chunk of his reiryoku into his fullbring to enhance the strength of the robots brought forth.

As he did, there were shimmers all around him as dozens of robots armed to the teeth with close quarters weapons shimmered into existence in a hail of polygons. Blades, gauntlets, staves, tonfa, chains, daggers and more were hefted by the summoned robots, before they all rushed him at blurring speeds, far beyond human limitations.

It was currently day forty four.

On his twenty first day inside this simulated world, he'd decided to add an extra two hours to his training days, dedicated to fighting against his summonable alien monsters and robots to fix his most glaring issue-

That of never having fought a day in his life.

From hand to hand fighting droids, to weapon wielders. To facing off against guns of all manners and sizes shooting at him from every which way, to facing off against the giant alien beasts.

Which began to get too easy two weeks into that, so each day he had started increasing the gravity during such training simulations by an extra one more each day.


It surprised Yukio, that as his training session on the hundredth day within his fullbring came to and end.

He was actually disappointed.

He returned to the real world, within the middle of his penthouse apartment and for a moment, he just stood there, a little listless.

It was almost weird being back in the real world again after spending a full hundred days within his fullbring training hard.

"…I kinda wanna go back in." Yukio snorted to himself. The first few days were rough, but after a week he really got into the swing of things.

It was a simple time, and enjoyable. He'd eat, bathe, get dressed. Head to his training area, train for hours while enjoying anything he wanted on the big screen or listen to music and keep his mind occupied. Eat again, then get back to it. Eat again, then fight against his summonable beings. Eat again, and then relax for the other half of the day watching anime, reading manga, playing games and get some sleep in.

It was maybe a little lonely, but it was truly enjoyable nonetheless.

He honestly felt like a completely different person from the him who first went into his fullbring a hundred days ago.

His eyes flickered over to the windows, noting the darkening sky outside. Only two days had passed out here, not even a full two days even. But, his attention wasn't really on the darkening sky outside his window, but rather the mirror at the side of the window hanging on the wall.

He stared at his reflection, and honestly-

"I barely recognise myself." The blonde boy laughed lightly to himself. The difference was like night and day. He'd grown an inch or two. That was probably normal, but the him he saw in the future, of that other timeline was diminutive when he was around fifteen, not any taller than he was before he entered his fullbring.

The effects of atrocious eating habits, no exercise and an unhealthy life style for sure.

Granted it still put him on the short meter, but far better than he was before. And he was still very young, perhaps he'd actually shoot up over the next few years unlike his other timeline self.

Either way, it wasn't just the few inches. He was massively broader than he was before. His shoulders were broad and powerful, and even through the simple black hoodie and blue sweatpants he was wearing, his vastly increased and powerful musculature was easily noticeable.

Even his face was thinner and more angular, having lost a lot of the baby fat he had.

He pulled up his sleeves and grinned, flexing his forearms which were practically like three times the size they were compared to when he first entered the fullbring.

"Shit, I look good." Yukio admired himself as he stuck one hand into his sweatpants pocket and leaned to the side a bit and gave his reflection a once over.

He'd went through an incredible transformation over the last hundred days of training himself to the limit. Which was to be expected.

He'd checked to be sure as he finished up his last training session. His Reiryoku numbers had increased to just below five hundred and fifty thousand. Not quite a double increase of what it was at before he entered his fullbring, but not far off.

And had increased the maximum amount of weight he could lift to just over fifteen and a half tons.

Satisfaction burned deep within him as he turned away from the mirror and held his hand out, summoning his phone from his inventory, "Let's see if Hiroshi has got my place ready for me." he mused.

If he did, he could head over to Karakura right now and scope things out.

As it turned out, his new penthouse apartment in the lovely little Karakura Town, was indeed ready.

And Hiroshi was quick to get someone to bring the keys to the place over to him.

Truly the power of pay to win was astounding.

And a massive cheat.

Twirling his shiny new keys over one of his fingers, Yukio lounged on his massive couch and hummed thoughtfully, "What to do, what to do?" he mused, green eyes staring up at the ceiling.

Honestly, he could be in Karakura Town in the next ten minutes if he wanted. With Bringer Light he could blitz through the air and get there rapidly. Karakura Town wasn't exactly all that far from Tokyo to be honest.

That was a boring way to do it though.

No he already had a plan for making his way to Karakura that would, while take over an hour, be much more fun.

Rather, he was pondering on what he should do about his mask.

Holding his other hand out, Yukio summoned his hollow mask and eyed it thoughtfully, "…I really wanna test out my new power." the boy admitted with a click of his tongue.

After all the training he went through, after all the growth his physical body and spiritual power had gotten. After all the experience he'd gotten fighting his summoned robots and alien beasts, he was antsy to test out his strength.

He brought the mask to his head, and put it on, relishing in the feeling of strength that surged through him as his hollow power leaked into him.

And then he swiped his hand through the air.

A ripple formed in the air, before it peeled back like a zep on a jacket and a hole formed in the in the air in front of him, displaying an inky black void of darkness.

The realm between worlds.

He'd spent days puzzling out how to open a garganta while within his fullbring world, and after six days finally managed to do it.

He could head to Hueco Mundo right now and start on his secondary grind, the grind to empower his hollow mask and see where he stood a little bit better by hunting down some Menos Grande class hollows.

Heck, he was already sure he was well stronger than an Adjuchas before he even went inside his Fullbring to train himself to an all new level, 'If I played my cards right I could probably get the jump on a few arrancar like that Aisslinger guy.' he mused.

Especially after he evolved his mask by hunting down prey to empower it in the forest of menos.

God he wanted to hurry up and do it. He couldn't wait until he could create and fire his own Cero blast! His other self had loved the spiritual laser blast, and he definitely did too.

And that wasn't even taking into account that thanks to the knowledge he had, he even knew how to fire off a Gran Rey Cero as well!

God firing off one of those would be so god damn epic!

Yukio stared at the tear in the world before his eyes almost longingly, before he sighed and pulled his hand back, sealing the void shut and dismissing his hollow mask.

"Soon." he told himself as he stood up, stuffing his new keys in his pocket and left his Tokyo residence behind.

He took the elevator down from the massive expensive apartment complex and made his way outside the building.

He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him, before holding his hand out.

Polygons shimmered in the air before him with a simple thought, dispersing a moment later to reveal a gleaming pitch black futuristic motorcycle with glowing orange veins of light running over it.

With a grin, Yukio hopped on it and rev'd the engine loudly and proudly, before zooming off and heading for Karakura Town.



man, im hoping he eventually gets to hueco mundo and takes the babes nel, hallibel and the tres bestia, though i can live with just a single one of those girls if it goes that route for the harem bc lets be real, this version of yukio is gonna be pulling bitches from all over


Hollow ladies barely get any love in fanfiction unless its pure smut, so here's hoping it happens.

God of Wind 200

You know if he’s worried about the future then here’s a suggestion why not just tell Ichgo the truth about his heritage then that way he can get his truth sword from the start and with nothing holding him back he would be much stronger that he might be able to king the Quincy King with the head captain their