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"Will you really heal All Might?"

'You'll seriously help Toshinori?'

The question came in stereo, one from the woman sitting opposite him, and one from the woman squatting within the depths of his soul.

'Technically, I'm not squatting since I'm paying rent in the form of my quirk and One For All.' Nana huffed and pointed out.

He ignored her as he focused on the reporter and gave a casual shrug, "A simple matter." Daiki assured her.

He'd already seen the severity of All Might's injuries from Izuku Midoriya's memories. A chunk of his stomach had been gouged out, much of his respiratory system was damaged, and no doubt a bunch of his organs were severely mangled.

The mans choice in apprentice and successor left much to be desired, and the spiel he saw in Deku's mind that he gave about heroism being about self sacrifice was completely wrong-

But to still continue on as a hero with those kind of injuries holding him back, made him worthy of at least some respect in Daiki's eyes.

Either way, despite technically being even worse than Lee's injuries, there wasn't anything inhibiting the healing like the bone fragments lodged in Lee's spine that he could previously do nothing about, and so he could easily heal him with his Mythical Healing jutsu.

Not that he would actually need to waste chakra to heal the man now. His new quirk Overhaul would let him easily fix the man up and more. Honestly, that Chisaki was such a buffoon, he had literally the best power this entire world had to offer and he only amounted to a pathetic loser who got off torturing a little girl.

The quirk Overhaul was literally the perfect quirk for the grind. With it, he could take the gains he would get through his physical grind, and maximize them to the utmost potential. Even with his powerful healing, it was not as if the growth of his musculature was truly any better than anyone else, just much much faster and without the same limits.

With Overhaul, it would not be the quantity and speed of his grind he enhanced, but the sheer quality.

His grind would have the greatest quantity, alongside the greatest quality of growth.

His grind which had been enhanced through his effort and healing abilities to the super grind, had now went even further beyond with the inclusion of Overhaul, and become the legendary super grind.

His grind was maximum!

'Or it would be if there was such a thing as a limit to the holy grind.' Daiki snorted with an inner smirk. The grind had no ceiling or limit!

"…So All Might is going to return to being a hero?" as the reporter asked that, breaking him from his thoughts, a massive smile spread across her face.

She probably wasn't even aware of it. Even her cameraman who had been very silent couldn't hide the excited smile he had of his own.

A palpable relief swept through them at the mere thought of their beloved Symbol of Peace being healed back to pinnacle health and taking to the field once more as a hero.

'Ew.' Daiki had to resist the urge to wrinkle his nose in disgust at the thought of an entire country being so reliant on a single person for everything. Such a weak mentality.

'The fact you of all people are thinking that, is hilariously ironic.' Isobu snorted.

'What?' Daiki blinked, not understanding what he meant.

'No, no I'm not telling you. It's even funnier, the sheer hypocrisy that you don't even notice is amazing.' Isobu outright chortled.

"Probably." Daiki answered the cute reporter lady with a shrug. He'd more or less used up all of the stockpiled power he had from One For All, but he'd seen he still had that muscle form thing. He'd never be able to come close to the kind of power he had before, but he'd still probably be a decent hero, especially if with Overhaul he brought him to the absolute pinnacle his body was capable of currently like he had currently done with his own when merging Shisui's body with his own.

Admittedly his absolute pinnacle wouldn't be anywhere close to anyone from his world, but it would still put him far above most in this weak world, and giving him All For One or something like that would make him far more interesting.

Not really anything that could give Daiki a challenge though, which was disappointing.

"…And you're just going to give All Might the quirk of All For One?" she hedged.

Daiki opened his mouth to reply, but just as he did there was a shimmering in the air beside him as a noxious black and purple mist swirled into existence at his side, a portal opening up to show some loser with the weirdest fashion accessory in existence, in the form of a necrotic corpse hand atop his face and skin that could really do with some moisturizer.

It was Shiggy handjob!

That loser villain he saw in Deku's memories. He lashed out towards him, hand lashing out like a striking serpent from the mist portal and trying to touch him with his gross, scrawny arms that looked like they'd never seen sunlight in their entire time on this planet.

Without even turning his head to look at him, Daiki's hand stopped him in his tracks. His vastly more muscular, tan and hydrated digits crushed the corpse hand to his face and broke his nose and cheeks bones in the process.

It was a simple thing that stopped him.

Daiki's arms were longer.

Draconic hellfire ignited into existence upon his palm, and a roaring wave of hellfire exploded into being and washed over Mr. Handjob, and spread out through the portal over into the other side.

There was a shriek of agony and hate from Shigaraki as the flames roasted him to ash, followed a moment later by a series of other shrieks and howls of burning agony-

He saw a flash of burning blue within the depths of his flame trying to fight back against his own, but it didn't even last a second before his flames burned right through whatever it was and devoured everything in their path-

Before the misty portal fizzed out of existence.

Or rather, was burned out of existence as well.

"Yeah pretty much, I don't really need that quirk to be honest, so I'll give it to All Might and see if he becomes a little bit more fun to fight." Daiki answered the reporter casually as he pulled his hand back and crossed his arms.

'Oh….Tomura…' he heard Nana give a despondent sigh. No, almost a sob?

What the hell was up with her?

'Nana?' he prompted.

'Nothing…it's nothing.' she told him, before cutting off the connection between them for the moment.

What the heck?

So weird.

"Was….that Shigaraki from the League of Villains!?" the reporter finally managed to gasp out, staring bug eyed at him, face dreadfully pale.

Well to be fair to her, it had only been a few seconds.

"Emphasis on the was," Daiki shrugged, "He and whoever else was with him on the other side of that portal all have a new name now. Cinder." he chortled in amusement.

"Oh…" the reporter lady stared despondently for a moment at his side where the portal was just a moment ago, "…Just like that?"

"That was all he and his little cronies amounted to," Daiki shrugged, "Now really, was that so hard? And think of all the innocent people spared from the League Of Beta Cucks and their manic childish temper tantrums over whatever sappy bullshit they came up with to justify being freaks and taking out their anger on everyone else."

And they did have pathetic reasons like that. In the one second he'd locked eyes with Shigaraki, he'd seen all the man had to offer in his mind.

And found him wanting.

His childhood was pitifully tragic for sure, but his blame of heroes for everything wrong in the world was just absolutely retarded. The man was poisoned at the very base of who he was, and there was no fixing him.

And the rest from what he knew had pitiful backgrounds as well. A guy who became a villain because…his ancestor was bootleg Robin Hood a hundred years ago? An actual rob the rich and greedy and protect the poor type. How did that make sense?

And a lizard fanboy of a serial killer who's big manifesto was 'hero bad for getting money to live on reeeeeeeee!'

Shigaraki didn't know what Dabi's deal was mind you, that patch work freak, but Daiki didn't really care anyway.

….Apparently he had killed Himiko Toga and Twice though when he attacked Shie Hassaikai's base and blown it up.

Actually, now that he thought about it, going by Shigaraki's mind, the rest of the league of villains were all gathered. And they were of one mind to attack him, for the most part. They couldn't let him go take All For One's Quirk and give it to All Might, such a thing when he said it aloud and was broadcasted and reached them, had sent Shigaraki into a panic.

And lizard boy spinner had been seething with rage over him killing Toga and Twice and was all for their hastily built plan for Shiggy handjob to get a portal opened up besides Daiki and use his quirk decay on him before he could react.

They literally tried to assassinate him on live television, and he uno reversed them and killed them all in return.


Still, he did find out something somewhat interesting.

There was another high ranking member of All For One's little clique, and was the reason he had survived his fight with All Might years ago. Shigaraki only knew him as the 'Doctor'.

But he was responsible for the creation of the Nomu things. And, from what Shigaraki had learned from his master, was capable of cloning quirks.

That was interesting to know was possible.

Now that he knew it was, he already had a rough idea on how to go about it himself actually with his Overhaul quirk.

Well, it was probably impossible the way he was thinking with Overhaul alone. But with his chakra techniques-

'Yeah, I can definitely do it.' Daiki smirked. He didn't know how the doctor did it, but if he used Overhaul to cut off a tiny fragment of a quirks factor, he could regenerate the part cut off to heal the quirk factor, and then with Overhaul and his healing abilities, he could form that small fragment of the quirk factor, into a full copy.


His thoughts paused as he caught sight of something interesting. A person standing atop a sky scraper on the route the helicopter was taking.

A woman, dressed in a skimpy white leotard and purple thigh highs. Dark skin, crimson red eyes, long gorgeous white hair and tall white furred bunny ears atop her head. Curvy, with large breasts, wide hips and thighs for days.

Like god damn she had thighs like she was born squatting. She probably even beat out thunder thighs Nana.


Hmm, no response from her, well whatever.

'The bunny hero, Mirko huh?' Daiki's interest was definitely peaked as he took her in, and the cocky smirk she wore as she stood there, arms crossed and waiting.

She was definitely far more interesting than that loser All For One.

He stood up and pulled the helicopter door open, "Thanks for the lift cute stuff," Daiki winked at the reporter lady, "But I just found a pit stop I have to make before hitting up Tartarus."

He leaped out, respectfully closing the door behind him.

Because he was a nice respectful guy like that.

'Oh wait!' Daiki blinked as he remembered something. He brought his fingers up into a ram seal, "Kai!" he said aloud.

He dispelled the hypnosis he had put on the helicopter pilot, allowing him to return to his normal self.

And now for a date with a sexy bunny girl.


Wrist has gotten a little better, still hurts like fuck though. Still, it let me slowly get this done over the last few days.  Gonna take a break then try writing something else.




Meruem Astro

He has Nana's soul with him, and he can easily create a body for her. he could resurrect nana just to prove a point

Meruem Astro

It would be funny to see All Might's expression when he simply resurrects her. the reaction of everyone in the world to seeing someone who lived more than 40 years ago come back to life would be very good


Shiggy Handjob😂😂


Leaving us on a cliff hanger. 🥲

Gilgamesh Archer

Glad your feeling a bit better. Hope it keeps trending that way. Thanks for the chapter!


man, "shiggy handjob" that really makes me laugh


Neat, and yeah, I like Mirko.