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Astoria felt…a little odd as she returned to the Slytherin common room after her work out with Faeran Shafiq.

There was a smile on her lips and a giddy feeling in her stomach. Tingly even. There was a spring in her step-

And she could still feel the phantom sensation of the younger boys lips crushing against her own, the feel of his tongue intertwined with hers, the taste of his minty fresh breath.

And the feeling of his strong nimble fingers sinking into the fat cheeks of her arse and greedily squeezing it to his desire.

As expected though, as the door shut closed behind her, she caught sight of her older sister lounging alone on one of the stylish black leather couches, a ledger draped over her knee.

No doubt from the family business.

She was supposed to use her time with Faeran this morning after all, steering him towards Daphne.

"Wotcher." she greeted her older sister, taking a seat beside her.

"Good morning," Daphne dipped her head, "So, how did it go?"

Straight to business as usual.

Ever predictable her sister was.

"About as expected…initially," Astoria shrugged, a lot happened that she hadn't predicted after all, "He's a guy, a young one at that. He balks at the idea of marriage and the responsibility, and it was easy to get him to admit he'd shag you rotten. But he didn't want to be tied down so early into his life, which is as expected, he grew up an orphan after all, no family expectations on him."

Well, again initially at least.

His demand for marrying Daphne was something alright. And it took a lot of effort not to giggle thinking about it.

She'd never met anyone like Faeran before.

Besides, it wasn't really expected for even them to be this invested in marriage at this point beyond any betrothals they'd maybe have. Daphne was just a weirdo with a lot of ambition and with the Dark Lord back, things were very dangerous for them.

It was skeevy, but needs must and all that.

"Well he obviously wants to shag me, he couldn't keep his eyes of my tits," Daphne rolled her eyes, "Did you tell him he can shag me all he wants if he accepts the deal?"

And Faeran wondered why she was so accepting of his advances. Beyond her own situation, she'd been totally infected by her weirdo sister.

"Yeah and he was definitely tempted," Astoria shrugged and replied truthfully, but then what guy his age with a gorgeous older girl like her sister and her massive tits giving him the offer wouldn't be tempted? "But he more or less didn't want to just settle for one girl? He wants to bed a lot of girls like Bones and Granger and doesn't want to lose the chance by marrying you."

Daphne wrinkled her nose, "I don't see the appeal personally, I'm much better looking than those slags, but even then I don't really care, it's not like this is born from love and romance and all that nonsense," her older sister rolled her eyes, "If he wants to shag girls on the side or keep a few mistresses, I don't really care as long as he upholds his duties as my husband, in fact, considering it would give me more time to work on furthering the families business and power, it might even be preferable."

"I figured as much which is why I offered to help him bed Granger and Bones and whoever else caught his fancy," Astoria shrugged, "Honestly, I quite like him myself, compared to the people we deal with on average here in Slytherin, he was refreshing to be around."

Faeran was definitely fun. She wondered what else he got up to in his spare time besides working out and being horny.

Well, beyond obviously studying a lot of magic given the competency he'd displayed earlier.

"I'd hope so, if I do marry him you'll be spending a lot of time with him." Daphne smirked.

Actually, she'd be spending a whole lot of time more with him than she realised if Daphne accepted his offer. Personally, she would.

Even taking her bias into account, it was a good deal.

Because it wasn't like she'd really be around all that long in the grand scheme of things.

"Yeah about that," Astoria started running a hand through her hair, "He actually did give me a counter offer for well, the both of us. And if you agree he'll accept."

Daphne raised an eyebrow, "What? Does he want me to pimp out Tracey to him? Parkinson? I mean, I could, Tracey owes me a few favours and Parkinson's a dumb slag," she snorted, "Though if it's a demand to let him shag me before anything official is down, no deal."

"Close but not quite," Astoria snorted herself, "More or less, he said he'll only accept if both of us marry him."

Daphne's head tilted to the side and confusion shone in her eyes, "Marry…both me and you?" she asked, befuddled.

She could understand her confusion.

Between the choice of her older, gorgeous sister with her voluptuous hourglass figure. Versus the choice of her, the plain faced little sister, with a very limited life span and with the figure of an over sized overly ripe pear.

Then the choice should be obvious.

…To anyone not named Faeran Shafiq at least.

"An odd…request," Daphne finally settled on, "But, not hard to do assuming you agree."

"I'm fine with it." Astoria shrugged.

Very fine with it actually. If it wasn't for the situation and Faeran being oddly impassioned after their little chat about something she wasn't sure, she'd probably be up in the Ravenclaw boys dorm right now getting that close personal tour of his bed he offered before.

"Very well, I'll go owl father now then to prepare the official documents for an engagement." Daphne smiled, pleased with herself and stood up, smoothing out her jumper and skirt, before quickly bidding her goodbye and leaving the Slytherin common room behind.

She was going to give father a heart attack one of these days with her silly schemes.

…She didn't even get to report the changes physically she'd noted Faeran had went through over the week. Like his noticeable increase in muscle mass. And the advanced displays of magic he showed off like nothing.

That mist conjuring charm for instance, if she wasn't wrong that was a more advanced version of the smokescreen charm they learned in first year.

'Well whatever.' Astoria sighed and stood up, making her way towards her dorm room. She needed to get changed out of her sweaty work out clothes.

…And she wanted to go through some other articles of clothing she wore. Like an old tiny pair of pink shorts she had that she'd outgrown.

If he liked it that much after all, she'd give see about giving him a show he'd love to see.


He could be clapping some fat, bodacious juicy arse cheeks right now. He could be listening to the cute Astoria squeal his name as he railed her from behind and made those cheeks jiggle.

Granted, he could have been shagging Daphne days ago if he really wanted as well.

Alas, even though he really wanted to graduate from his virginity in this world, somethings were more important.

For the moment.

'I can get both anyway this way.' Faeran thought resolutely as he he paced up and down in front of a blank wall on the seventh floor of the Hogwarts castle.

'I need a lost time turner.'

'I need a lost time turner.'

'I need a lost time turner.'

There was so much to do as well. Which was why right now, he was placing his hopes in the Room of Requirement to give what he needed.

Assuming he was lucky enough one was in the castle at all.

He was being reckless, stupid and gung ho in wanting to save Astoria. Of accepting marrying Daphne if he could marry Astoria as well. He knew how god awful stupid he was being.

But the greatest motivation of man, beyond pussy.

Was pettiness.

And he was feeling mighty petty.

The problem however though, was the sheer lack of time to put that pettiness to good use. After all, the main person who he could think of that could save Astoria.

Was Dumebledore.

But he didn't look at Dumbledore at meal times, nor Snape. Because he couldn't risk them infiltrating his thoughts.

He'd been working on it, but it was slow going.

Becoming an occlumens.

But beyond even that, assuming Dumebledore could do it or not. He would still need to be able to hide his thoughts from the man to even approach him lest he rip all his information straight from his head.

And if he couldn't do it, then it was up to Faeran himself to do it. And to do so, he'd need learn a lot more about magic.

…And in the future he'd need to fuck up Draco Malfoy before Harry did so he could claim ownership of the Elder Wand if he couldn't do it with his own power.

And of course he needed to keep his grind going as well to build his peak physical body.

In conclusion, he had so much to do and not enough time to do it.

But a time turner would change all that.

As he finished pacing up and down three times, Faeran came to a stop and stared at the wall with baited breath.

For a moment, nothing happened and disappointment filled his stomach, a sigh of frustration leaving him-

And then a door shimmered and appeared on the wall.

But wasn't like any door he'd ever seen before.

It was black and made up of criss crossing veins of black metal that ran passed each other in patterns that had to be dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of times.

"The hell?" Faeran stared at the weird door for a moment.

Before deciding fuck it.

He grasped the door knob, or well, what seemed to be the door knob but was more twisted black metal jutting out of the wall and pulled it open.

And as he stepped inside, the door closing automatically behind him, he stopped.

And he stared at what he saw.

"…What the absolute fuck?" he gaped

He found himself stepping into an absolutely massive, ornately decorated room. Crimson red banners of gryffirndor hung from the ceiling alongside glinting golden chandeliers.

A line of golden potion stations sat in the middle of the room on one side of a large red gryffindor rug, while on the opposite side of the carpet sat what appeared to be herbology stations of the same ornate gold.

Staring back at him from the other side of the room, was a golden archway, with a beautiful glass entranceway, large gnarled trees twisting around each side of the arch and framing it, while a large majestic golden clock sat at the very top.

And through the door, he could see what appeared to be the makings of a massive grass land.

Twin staircases dotted both far sides of the room, leading up to two other glowing arch's, while what appeared to be an office space sat at the very end atop the stairs behind the very first arch.

"…What the hell is this place?" Faeran gaped as he slowly looked around the place.

his feet carried him up the stairs towards the office space, a large ornate mahogany desk with a large comfortable arm chair and framed by two bookcases filled to the brim with thick tomes, and behind it, on the wall appeared to be a large painting of an unfamiliar teenager.

And it was there he saw it.

A glinting golden encased time turner sitting right in the middle of the desk.

Well, whatever this place was, it didn't matter right now. As wondrous and amazing as it seemed, and those thick tomes in the bookcases were mighty tempting to browse through right now.

What he came for was sitting right in front of him.

He snatched the time turner up and put it around his neck.

He could come back here later.

But the grind could never wait.



Really nice! But doesn't he need to defeat Snape to get control of the elder wand instead of Malfoy as it was Snape that killed Dumbledore in canon?


Is the image broken or something? It just won't load for me