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Chris watched in horror as the Rookie Killer's claws raked across the back of Kaden's neck and his eyes widened in pain.

The force behind the blow slammed the boy down onto his knees, the weight of Gram also working against him in that moment.

Yarden, pinned beneath the weight of the sword and the giant Rookie Killer bigger than any lion or tiger, was helpless with its claws raking into his neck as it leaned down with massive gleaming teeth, maw opening wide to crunch his head into mulch.

She was too far away, and she couldn't use her godly powers here, so all Chris could do was watch in horror as the young boys life was about to be snuffed it. He was abrasive, and felt her up without permission, but she didn't want him to die!

This silly idiot why did he have to be so gung ho and drag these monsters to him and-

"Oi," Yarden's voice cut through her thoughts, stunning them to a stop. She watched with wide eyes as his hand not holding Gram shot up over his head and grabbed the Rookie Killer by one of its long sword like teeth, "None of that now."

And the Rookie Killer yelped in surprise and then pain as Yarden, with one hand, dragged it up over his head by its tooth alone and slammed it bodily into the ground.

It lay there stunned for a moment, and even the One Punch Bear stared in bemusement as Yarden rose to his feet and rubbed at the back of his neck.

And Chris gaped when all she saw was a trio of slight gouges, closer to scratches than anything bleeding at the back of his neck, "Nice try, but no," Yarden snorted and smirked down at the stunned Rookie Killer, "That might have worked on me yesterday, but I'm a whole of motherfucker now ya' dumb arse big pussy, between ma' durability stat and physical resistance, yer' shit out of luck son." he happily informed the beast.

Before his leg lashed out and he punted it across the face so hard the huge feline monster was bodily lifted up into the air and sent soaring easily twenty feet high above him-

And then gravity asserted itself once more and the huge dark furred feline monster fell back down, straight into the blade of Gram that Yarden lifted up to meet its unprotected back.

Gram pierced straight through the Rookie Killer and came out the other side of its stomach, blood coating the blade. The beast savagely jerked around, clawing at the air as it tried to dislodge itself for a few moments, its last few feeble attempts at staying alive.

Before falling limp as the life left its body entirely and it died.

Yarden stared at the dead beast for a moment, before jerking his legendary stolen cheat blade to the side and dislodging it like a piece of trash to the ground beside him with a meaty thumb, before once more pointed Gram at the One Punch Bear, "Now where were we big man?" he grinned at it once more.

The One Punch Bear stared at the corpse of the Rookie Killer, before snorting contemptuously and baring its teeth once more at Yarden in a massive roar. It pounded its huge claws against its chest, before rushing towards Yarden on two legs as if it were a sprinting man.

Said boy responded by stabbing Gram once more into the ground and clenching his fists.

"That's it! That's the way!" Yarden whooped in joy before also rushing the huge bear monster, fists clenched.

And Christ just stared, 'What…what is he doing!?' she stared wide eyed, the shock and horror of the sudden attack by the Rookie Killer replaced by just sheer confused shock.

As strong as the One Punch Bear was, Gram could slice through it easily, so why was he dropping the weapon that would let him kill it one attack and instead meeting it head on, barehanded?!

No, really, what was he doing?! Even Darkness with her adamantite armour, higher than average stats as a noble and crusader class with physical resistance, would only be able to take a few hits from a One hit Bear without dying.

Yet he was challenging it to a fist fight, why?!

'Damn dragon instincts.' Chris cringed as she watched both Yarden and the giant bear meet each other in the middle of the plains. He ducked under a massive fist launched by the One Punch Bear.

He was way faster than it, and got inside its guard easily and launched out with a rapid one two set of punches into its lower stomach, before jumping up and smashing a rising uppercut into the bottom of its chin.

The giant bear staggered back a single step, but that was also. A One Punch Bear's fur was more durable and thick than a set of iron plate after all, and that wasn't even getting into their massively thick muscles that absorbed blunt force impact incredibly well.

Challenging one to a fist fight was literal suicide!

The massive bear swiped down from the right with its massive clawed paw, while trapping Yarden inside its guard as it hunched over and encircled its other arm around to keep him from dodging.

Instead of doing so though, Yarden hunkered touch and his right arm rose up, catching the massive paw in a block with his forearm that almost dislodged his feet from the ground and would have if not for him bracing his left hand against his right forearm.

"Jesus fuck you're a tank!" Yarden guffawed, even as blood began to pool down his arm. Before exploding forward and burying his knee in the giant bears lower stomach.

This time there was a massive difference as the bear staggered away from him, gagging great big globs of spit from its mouth into the air.

'…What?' Chris blinked.

What just happened?

Well either way, the One Punch Bear recovered quickly, shaking its head and slamming down both paws towards Yarden's head who quickly rolled to the side-

Before wrapping his arms around the giant bears neck, forcing it into a headlock with his right arm and began to rain rapid fire blows down with his left hand against its face over and over.

Chris cringed as she felt the crunching noise of bone snapping and blood erupting from the One Punch Bears nose.

Finally it managed to gain its bearings and with a roar it rose back up onto its hind legs in a bipedal stance dragging Yarden into the air with it, prepared to snatch him out of the air, both massive claws flashing towards him, claws gleaming-

But Yarden apparently had been prepared for that as he used his grip around the bears neck to drag himself backwards up through the air in an almost flip like motion, while at the same time, bringing both of his knees up and driving them straight into the One Punch Bears face.

Once more the sound of bounce crunching and shattering filled the area and Chris watched as Yarden let go off it and rolled over its shoulder to land on its feet behind it, while the huge bear monster stood stock still, its face a bloody ruptured mess.

…Was it stunned?

Yarden didn't seem to care either way, not giving it even a moment to recover as he kicked out with the bottom of his heel and slammed it into the joint beneath the bears own knee in a thunderous stomp.

Its leg gave out beneath it and the bear crashed to the ground, where Yarden was ready and waiting. Once more he leaped forward and wrapped his arm around the bears neck, only this time, he wrapped both around its neck and twisted his entire body, using all his weight and strength.

And bodily lifted the giant bear into the air with a powerful jerk of his arms. And Chris cringed in sympathetic pity for the massive bear as an ominous crack sound echoed loudly from its neck.

And a moment later, the massive bear flopped to the ground limp as Yarden let go, its neck snapped.

And dead.

Yarden stared at the corpse of the bear for a moment, before crouching down and patting the corpse atop the head, "Good fight mate." he praised the corpse with a smile.

He stayed there for a moment, before rising up to his feet again and stretching his arms out, "Well, that was fun." the teenager commented with a great big grin as he looked around him and beheld the carnage he had wrought.

Bisected humanoid green skinned goblins, giant charcoaled toads, a huge feline beast stabbed to death and finally the great big form of a One Punch Bear, its face smashed in and its neck snapped.

'…Oh no.' was all Chris could think in that moment.

Not because she thought she was in dangerous, or at least not in the physical sense that her life was in danger. But rather, at the realisation that….this guy might actually be capable of killing the Demon King.

In record time.

Compared to the usual people that were sent over from Japan, Aqua-Senpai's jurisdiction, this boy Yarden, was quite literally built different now.

Which meant it really was highly likely, that in the future, his wish would be granted and he would be incarnated as a god once he managed to defeat the Demon King and got his wish for doing so.

She was broken from her thoughts as Yarden reached into his pocket and retrieved his adventurer card, before erupting into laugher at what he apparently saw.

His head turned towards her, and his grin was full of smugness, "So, what did you say your level was then babe? Over thirty was it?" he asked, making his way towards her.

"…I'm Leve thirty five, why?" she asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the boy swaggering over to her.

"Oh not bad," he nodded, "I'm level 36 now though." he preened smugly as he came to a stop in front of her.

Honestly, that was stupidly shocking even for a goddess like her to process normally. But, it was kind of a testament to all the shock she'd went through with this kid that she wasn't all that stunned by it.

She'd never heard of growth like this in her entire time as a goddess with jurisdiction over this world. Then again, nobody was generally stupid enough to draw over fifty monsters towards them on their second day as an adventurer, two very high level ones amongst them and have a cheat ability that would actually allow them to somehow manage to kill them all head on.

…Aqua-senpai had created an utter monster.

"Congratulations," was all Chris said as she rose to her feet and dusted herself off, "Are we done here now?"

She was so done with today.

"Eh, done?" he gave her a confused look, as if she were the crazy one here, "Why? We've not been here long, I can farm way more monsters."

And most would actually be satisfied with even a quarter of the absurd growth he'd went through so far today. Not him though apparently.

"Then what are you gonna do about all these monster corpses?" Chris asked, giving him a raised eyebrow as she waved her hand towards the mass amount of dead monsters, "You'll need to report them to the guild, right? And have them come out and haul them all if you want a reward for them."

"Usually yeah, but that big black tiger thing has come in pretty clutch for me," Yarden merely beamed and held up his adventurer card for her to look at, "Check out my adventurer card and look what I can learn now."

[Name: Yarden Odhar]
[Age: 15]
[Occupation: Dragoon]
[Level: 36]
[Skill Points: 78]

[Strength: 245]
[Endurance: 245]
[Magic Power: 522 - MP: 5,220]
[Durability: 235]
[Agility: 260]
[Luck: 86]

[Toad Leap]
[Extendable Tongue]
[Slime Excretion]
[Night Vision]
[Two-Handed Weapon]
[Physical Resistance]
[Magic Resistance]
[Beginner Magic]
[Intermediate Magic]
[Force Fire]

Unlearned Skills
[Debuff Resistance - 5 points]
[Advanced Magic - 30 points]
[Auto Dodge - 5 points]
[Heal - 2 points]
[Turn Undead - 1 point]
[Exorcism - 1 point]
[Break Spell - 3 points]
[Dispel - 3 points]
[Blessing - 5 points]
[Cure Poison - 2 points]
[Powered - 3 points]
[Sacred Shell - 2 points]
[Reflect - 3 points]
[Versatile Actor - 5 points]
[Protection - 2 points]
[Shadow Sneak - 20 points]
[Shadow Vault - 25 points]
[Dense Musculature - 10 points]


Chris was having a really hard time processing what she was seeing right now. She already knew the level, but what the hell was up with those stats, all physical stats over two hundred?! And seventy eight skill points?!

It was the three at the bottom that stood out. Dense Musculature came from the One Punch Bear and according to the adventurer card, was a passive skill that enhanced the sheer toughness of the users muscles, making their muscles explosively more powerful, not only making them stronger, but faster and more durable.

Shadow Sneak and Shadow Vault though, were on another level. They were the abilities of the Rookie Killers. They had the ability to hide within shadows. And could even store things within their own shadows. Those abilities being Shadow Sneak and Shadow Vault.

They were well known and coveted skills, especially Shadow Vault, but only Adventurers and Dragoon as an evolved form of Adventurer, could learn them. For Adventurers though, the points were double that of Dragoon so Shadow Vault, would cost fifty skill points to learn.

Meaning an average adventurer would need to level up to level fifty and learn no other skills in the process to get it.

'What a monster.' Chris thought as he turned the card back around to face him and began to learn skills one by one.

"Alright let's take Shadow Vault, Shadow Sneak, Dense Musculature, Auto Dodge, Heal, Turn Undead, Exorcism, Blessing, Powered, Reflect and Dispel." Yarden muttered to himself as he went through the process of buying an absurd amount of skills all at once.

Yet as he swiped his hand over the card, it lighting up with bright light as he learned skills once by one, a thought occurred to her.

'I could use this.' she thought. Goddess though she was, her real body was still in heaven right now, doing her job. This form, was more a clone of her main body, and while vastly superior to the average human because it contained her essence, it wasn't on the same level as she would be in her main body.

And the whole reason she was doing this, beyond for taking a break from her duties and having fun, was cleaning up behind Aqua-senpai and retrieving the mass amount of cheat items that had been left behind by people sent here by the goddess of water and failed in their tasks.

Like the Aigis armour for instance that she was having trouble retrieving.


Dragon aspect be OP yo. And this is the kind of thing you'd actually see in Konosuba if you threw some normal fit gamer guy into that world with a cheat instead of the likes of Kazuma. I mean, even Mitsurugi could have farmed like this if he wanted, instead after three months he's only level 45 when he meets Kazuma. And yeah I mean, he's way higher level than most people, but if he farmed properly, he'd be slicing down waves of monsters with a single swing and could have power levelled way above that in three months.



For reccomendations aside from those already mentioned in story: Aqua (gotta save his goddess from Kazuma) Arue (Bustiest of the CD girls and 3rd strongest but Yarden can power level her up) Mel (busty shortstack who is decently strong) Carla (Succubus Queen, sexy concubine with some useful abilities) Ran (experienced adventurer class and a useful companion) Wolbach (Sexy strong dark goddess) Melissa (sexy useful treasure hunter, who loves jewelry. Potential Sugar Baby play) Arnes (Potential for turning her around and is a strong combatant just unlucky)