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Right, well just a quick update on what my plans are going forward for the rest of this month. I'm gonna work a bit more on the One Piece story for a few more days, up to around the 20th I think. Beyond that, it's about time I got back to Systematic Shinobi, my muse was off it while I was grieving but it's been a couple months I've taken a break from it, so it's about time. On top of that, I'm wanting to get a bit more of Jordinio Version done as well, the next chapter is dealing with him hashing a deal out with Lance, and meeting a few people like Giovanni, Oak....Chloe - get fucked Goh she's getting clapped - and the like.


Stanley Seymour

Looking forward to your writing projects man. I appreciate you updating your one piece story and look forward to your Pokemon fic. You've been on a roll as of late and despite your personal tragedies, I wanted to say thank you for that. It means alot. Hope your in good health and spirits.


Looking forward to reading, more chapters of systematic shinobi and jordino!