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Update And A Poll On Quirks

  • Eh, none of these appeal to me. 27
  • Golden Gate 86
  • Combustion Dragon 108
  • Barrier 48
  • Bone Beast 67
  • Aura Fist 36
  • 2023-07-05
  • —2023-07-05
  • 372 votes
{'title': 'Update And A Poll On Quirks', 'choices': [{'text': 'Eh, none of these appeal to me.', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Golden Gate', 'votes': 86}, {'text': 'Combustion Dragon', 'votes': 108}, {'text': 'Barrier', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Bone Beast', 'votes': 67}, {'text': 'Aura Fist', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 5, 21, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 5, 8, 27, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 372}


Sorry about not posting the last few days guys, got worn down and ended up catching a cold. Shook it off mostly though, even got back to the gym yesterday and then went and fucked a Japanese pornstar, who was a shitty lay, so I then went to a Thai chick in the same building got a massage and fucked her right after.

...Then I met her 'manager'. A bald, jacked Asian guy with tattoo's up the wazoo, up his neck and everything who claimed he was former Triad. Dunno if I believe that, but he certainly looked the part, not that I know anything at all about the Triad and I plan to keep it that way. He invited me for a drink and then basically, asked advice on how he could get the chick he was managing to consistently get more customers, cuz apparently he deemed I was an expert on the subject. Honestly, I feel like it was almost a hallucination with how weird it was.

The moral of the story though, is Japanese chicks are bad lays, I've banged quite a few at this point and they've all been crap.

Anyway, I was toying with continuing my MHA story sometime soon since I've been idly watching it lately among other things, but I feel like the Charizard based quirk was too op.

I've idly thought over a few different quirks, and was wanting your opinion on them, what ones you think are the best and such. I'll even add the Charizard one to the list.

So here they are:

Combustion Dragon - A cross between a transformation type quirk and a stockpiler quirk. It allows the user to manifest the wings and tail of a dragon, and have an 'inner flame' that, the stronger it gets, the more it enhances the user when drawn upon and can also be used to create fire, mostly in the beginning from exhaling it from the mouth.

Golden Gate - A spatial type quirk. It allows the user to create portals that are linked to a subspace where the user can store non living items. When stored within there, the items are claimed by the subspace itself and turn gold and can be controlled by the user while within it, and reclaimed after being let out, and the subspace even repairs them when broken. The catch is, the subspace can only hold up to as much weight as the user can physically lift, and even the size of the portals and anything launched from the portals is directly influenced by the users own physical strength. Though it is possible to link two portals together instead of the subspace to connection two locations.

Barrier - A simple quirk that allows the user to create hard light barriers, that they can also change the shape of and control.

Bone Beast - A quirk blesses the user with an vastly enhanced skeleton and musculature and allows the user to pull bones from their body and regrow them. Based on the Dead Bone Pulse.

Aura Fist - A simple energy based quirk that allows the user to create limbs of energy much like those of a Jinchuuriki Cloak or the Devil Bringer. 

Anyway, ima go take a shower right now. Didn't get any sleep through the night, so I need to wake myself up.


William St. Germain

Barrier I feel has the most untapped potential. It's simplicity will allow it too perform extraordinary things! I'm guessing that it would be based on Willpower or something similar. Which giving how your insert usually is... it would damn near be impenetrable.


It'd be neat if it was one of those things where the character was quirkless and figured that bc anime he could figure something else out. Possibly using haki from one piece or chakra/ life force Naruto style. Maybe a sort of "inspiration" that happens to those special few in one punch man.